Wednesday, July 20, 2011

X's on trees

Oh pooh. It's been a dreadfully long time. I thought I'd be writing here a lot more often since it's not school time right now, but I guess I've been distracting myself. I can hardly find the time to sit down and write something anymore.

I do actually have something worthwhile to write about today, but I just wanted to mention that I'm really liking this band called Fireworks. And you know, I was just thinking that this album cover:

Would look cool as a tattoo. Not on myself, of course. But it would make a nice tattoo, don't you think? Like, maybe with one of the lyrics from one of the songs next to it, or underneath it. I love that cover though. Simple, yet it gets the point of the album across. I have a feeling that this album is going to end up meaning a lot to me after some time. Basically, it deals with how as young people, we deal with a lot of messed up incidents that end up affecting us as adults. The album cover definitely represents that, and that's why I love it. Oh, and Big D and The Kids Table's new album has amazing cover art too. Check it out.

So, lately I've also been checking out some stuff from the Christian theologian G.K. Chesterton. I kind of see him as the hardcore, paradoxical C.S. Lewis. I wanted to discuss this particular quote from him: 
"When a man stops believing in God, he doesn't believe in nothing, he believes in anything."
Pwnage, am I right? It's one of his most popular quotes, and I love it. It's a very bold statement and it's entirely true.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say that they can be good without believing in any sort of higher power. The truth is, you can't. What those people are basically doing is taking morals from religion to fit their atheist lifestyle. Just think about it. What atheists roughly believe is that they are a pile of cells. What's the point to having morals if you're just a pile of cells? Why does it matter? It shouldn't. So far, I haven't seen a single good argument from an atheist regarding where their morals and principles come from. Of course, an atheist can just respond to this by saying that although our morals came from religion, it's not necessary anymore and it's a thing of the past. I've heard that argument before, and it's still ridiculous. If you want to see how invalid it is, just take a look at how quickly humanity's morale has gone down in recent years.
Not only that but,
"If there were no God, there would be no atheists."
Another Chesterton quote. I think I wrote about this once before. Let's just say that there's some people living in a dark room who have never seen sunlight. They wouldn't be able to say, "I don't believe in the light." Because they've never seen a single sign of light. There's never been a single indication of its existence. They haven't the faintest idea what it is. Disbelief is only born from seeing other people believe in something. People believe in God because there has been indication of His existence. No matter how much non-believers deny it, it's a fact.

We all know deep in our hearts that God exists. Every single human being who has ever lived has felt very deep in their hearts that there is a higher power. I know that for a fact. When I was an atheist, I of course was militant about my lack of belief and constantly denied His existence. However, I always felt something tugging at my heart and my mind. Something in me knew that there was a higher power. Not only that, I knew it wasn't just a higher power. It was a living, loving God. I denied that for about two years until I finally gave in. It's always going to be a mystery as to why more people don't give in to that desire to believe. It's pride, really. People don't want to be accused, or judged. We always want to believe we're right. That's why atheist converts make such great Christians. Because we've sinned so much. Therefore, once we acknowledge God for who He really is and we realize that He has forgiven us, we have a whole lot to be thankful for. I know I definitely do.

So, that's it. I just wanted to let that out. Remind me to update this more often.

See ya next entry~