Monday, November 22, 2010


 This is technically my first real post. I have no creative juices today. Totally braindead, maaaannn. Like totally. So I'm gonna write about Ceremony. They're a hardcore band from California's Bay Area. Y'all know I like a lot of hardcore, but I really like this band because of their creative sound. Most hardcore bands sound angry all the time, and that gets boring. Ceremony is angry, but has this sound that I in my head describe as suburban. The emptiness and boredom of grand suburbia. It's something I can really connect with, as it's one of my frustrations as well. Actually, when I first heard this band, I thought they were from down here. But then I remembered that all the suburbs are the same. Well anyway, I'm posting a few songs/lyrics. The dude, Ross Farrar, is one of my favorite lyricists. Dig it.

"Don't Touch Me"

"Wretched feeling and feeling split
Gone into and around the back
I dont have any feelings, only some of servitude
Cringing, crying, awake
Dont look at me or anything

Volatile, simple minded, only sinking and deprived

You know you're a mistake
All of you feeling nothing but to take
Breaking fingers, needing splints
All of you, I dont like you, I dont need
Dont touch me you're sickening"

"The Doldrums(Friendly City)"

"Can you help me out of phantom bay?
This place is a vacancy stuck in figure 8
Where nothing ever happens
No ones ever late
So why? Tell me why? The dullness is filling me

I have to get away
Get this complacency out of me
Im my own figurehead in my own state
Why? Tell me why? The dullness is filling me

Hold my breath watch my mind sift away
As useless as compass in a hedge maze
Without a decision
Without a base
Why? Tell me why? The dullness is filling me

Living in the doldrums
Walking in the doldrums
Floating through the doldrums
Wandering the doldrums all day"


  1. I'll never understand hardcore music, hard as i try. But i know about what you mean by that suburban feeling in music like this. I think thats why i like music from The Fest or Punk-0-Rama more then Warped because,well,its more...raw. Real punk music feels like its just born, not manufactured like other genres. Sense hardcore is a spawn of punk rock, i guess its really retained that element the most.

  2. Yep, punk/hardcore is always going to be music by suburban kids, for suburban kids. Not saying that someone from a big city can't appreciate it, but they won't have the same connection. It's more raw, more legitimate and emotional.

    Music is at its best when it's raw. Warped Tour-friendly bands are different because it's manufactured, no matter how much the fans deny it. It lacks passion and intensity. Really, the music scene nowadays = a huge dumb sausage party of money-obsessed pretty boys. Sad.

  3. Keep in mind,Nazz, we aren't what most kids in Suburbia called suburbia. South fl is really close to the city. I think REAL suburbia is different...but yes, i think just being a young person in these changing times gives us a lot to identify with.

    God, i feel you. perfect example: Green Day *shakes head* I'm listening to them right now trying to have a suburban feel and it really feels as fake a silicon b00bies compared to the Fest CD i made...

  4. True, true. But still, you know, it's still the suburbs. Everyone expects South FL to be all boobies and martinis, when it's totally not. So in a way, we can relate.

    Oh em gee, it IS like silicon boobs. It's only good when you're braindead or don't know better.

  5. whats with you and breasts today? I don't wanna have long conversations on Blogger, it'll intimidate possible other viewers. I just wanted to add my two cents. our long talks can be on :p

  6. I was trying to limit my boobage conversation, but they kept on popping up everywhere. Lolz that's what she said.
