Tuesday, November 23, 2010

because life is hard enough as it is

Yes yes yes, I know I wrote about Ceremony yesterday. Guess what? Today I'm writing about Have Heart. I'm sure you all remember that the title of this blog comes from one of their songs. I'm a HUGE fan of them. Their name explains it all. Everything they did was real. Like, their last show was unbelievable. Rumor is that after the last song, Pat Flynn(singer/songwriter) sat down on stage and passed around the microphone. People shared how Have Heart impacted their lives, and it went on for about 30 minutes. That's just like, damn. You don't see that in the mainstream. The shows were batshit insane. People had difficulty filming the shows because kids were always jumping around like damn kangaroos.

But I'm not here to talk of the bands history. I'm here to talk about the effect they had on me. I should start with saying that they introduced me to Straight Edge(look it up on urban dictionary). Alright, you looked it up? I knew about Straight Edge for a looong time, and I had though about it. But I was unaware of the dedication and soul that a lot of those people had. Have Heart showed me that. Thus I became Edge this summer. I'll write more about it some other day. Anyway, Pat Flynn wrote a lot of spiritual lyrics. I don't mean religious, I mean like looking into your soul. He wrote about human strength and overcoming life's struggles. I don't think I could have overcome this summer's troubles without those lyrics. He also is partly responsible for me wanting to write better. His writing style is so damn classy. I guess what I'm getting at is that Have Heart showed me that hardcore could be beautiful. All music has the potential to be beautiful, as long as it is heartfelt. That's just one of the life lessons this band taught me. This shows that music can have impact, and can even help shape who you are, especially when you're a young kid and you don't know what to fucking do.

So, now it's lyric time. But I want y'all to know that I'm not a total hardcore kid or anything. I know I've been talking about it a lot lately. Truth is I've gotten into all sorts of stuff. I've just been taking a hardcore binge this week. See ya next time.

"Watch Me Rise"


 ""goddamn", he said, "i promised myself i'd never feel this fucking way
again, this world has got me praying on my knees for one peaceful thought
in my mind, my stride, my life, my time is consumed with a thousand thoughts
flying free like a flock of birds with no direction or intention of finding home
its so hard to think, its so hard to change
when this world doesn't see you any other way

in this world, they choose to see me, they choose to see me

like a setting sun
so its up to me, i have to see me, i have to see me
like the rising one
in my days somebody told me that the rain would always come,
always come to wash away the pain
but nothing changes and this world still wants me down
wants me down on my knees praying in that rain
"born this way, die this way"

id rather die on my feet, than live on my knees
id rather die on my feet...so you can watch me,

watch me rise with the things we carry:
the loss, the scars, the weight of heavy hearts
so i say to the slaves of depression : carry on...
and sing the sweet redeeming song....
about living this life free and long
watch me, watch me, watch - me - rise", for miles and miles"


  1. 1. I love you for knowing the difference between "spiritual" and "religious" (some morons don't)
    Straight Edge sounds VERY VERY cool(i looked it up some more) and I'm pleasantly surprised Hardcore developed this philosophy witch will hopefully combat the drugs,sex,and rebel-without-a-cause stereotype of Punk music and its sub genres. I hope you elaborate on that some more some time :D

  2. Wtf, they're obviously two different things.

    Yep, it's a great thing. It gets a lot of shit from the punk community, because punks think that everyone has to have sex and do drugs and all that. There are some people that use Edge as an excuse to hurt others, but for the most part, it's a peaceful community of healthy people. I'm proud to be part of it. :D

  3. From the two second briefing that I've had of it, how can they justify using a philosophy of peace to hurt others? People are so stupid.

  4. I actually saw a documentary on Discovery Channel dealing with it. I was like, "Oh hell naw."

    Basically, some violent Straight Edge people think that anyone that doesn't have the same beliefs as them should be beat up. It's stupid and kills the peace.
