Sunday, December 26, 2010

Top 20 Albums of 2010 (part 2 #1-10)

 #10.Sundowner - We Chase the Waves
Sundowner is really the best band ever's The Lawrence Arm's guitarist Chris McCaughan playing folk songs. This album has a lot of sentimental worth for me, as I listened to it at my sad moments this year. Can't even begin to explain how much it means to me. It shows Chris becoming his own artist, which is great, because he's often pushed aside. Did I ever tell you guys I've had a crush on Chris for like a year? True shit. 
"As The Crow Flies":

#9.Sage Francis - Li(f)e
Sage turned 34 this year, but he shows no signs of getting old or boring. Sage has always been innovative, being one of indie-hip hop's main rappers, but he takes it to a new level on Li(f)e. He's got some folky songs like "Little Houdini" and punky songs like "Three Sheets to the Wind". All these songs are introspective, especially "The Best of Times" and "16 Years". And of course, it's got plenty of Sage's one-liners and clever poetry. Another underground hip-hop classic from the almighty Sage Francis.
"I Was Zero":

#8.Transit - Keep This to Yourself
I hadn't really paid attention to this band prior to listening to this. Oh man, was I missing out. Transit is easily one of the most honest, genuine, hard-working bands in music right now. I'm totally in love with this band now. Catchy, honest pop-punk songs with tinges of hardcore and indie. The lyrics are so heartfelt it makes you wanna cry.
"Love, _____.":

#7.Fake Problems - Real Ghosts Caught on Tape
You know what's awesome? Fake Problems is one of Florida's best bands. Real Ghosts Caught on Tape is Florida put into 11 songs. Essential for any of us Floridians. There's almost a '50s appeal too. Do I really have to keep elaborating? Nope. Give this band a chance. You won't regret it.

#6.The Wonder Years - The Upsides
Are you sick of your school? Do you hate all the dumb kids? Do you hate fake tans and weed? The Upsides is for you. This is a record for quiet people that secretly have a thing for pop-punk anthems. This is pop-punk that can be relevant even after college. However, this album shows the "upsides", how there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Also, the singer, Dan "Soupy" Campbell has an awesome nickname and is straight edge. Win.
"My Last Semester":

#5. Against Me! - White Crosses
Against Me! is a flawless band. Despite what all the tr00 punx say, they have never released a bad album. Ever. And being from Gainesville, they make Florida proud. What I like about White Crosses is that it has that familiar Floridian punk sound, but it's still reminiscent of indie bands like The Hold Steady. AM! are still one of the most unique bands in modern music.
"Rapid Decompression":

#4. Four Year Strong - Enemy of the World
This album took more of a punk direction compared to their last record, but that's awesome, because it means more speed and energy. FYS are the essential hardcore-influenced pop-punk band. The songs on here have staying power and are guaranteed to get a party going. They also have awesome beards and I listened the crap out of this album during the summer. This band changed my life.
"It Must Really Suck To Be FYS Right Now":

#3. The Gaslight Anthem - American Slang 
It's no secret that Gaslight are my favorite band of all time. The record previous to this, The '59 Sound is my favorite album of all time. I obviously had very high expectations for American Slang. Needless to say, I was impressed when I heard the album. The songs on this are confident and complete, they took more time with it. There's even more of a soul/folk/blues influence, but it never loses its signature New Jersey street-cred. But what makes The Gaslight Anthem so special is their honesty,creativity, and elegance. That isn't leaving anytime soon.
"American Slang":

#2.Make Do and Mend - End Measured Mile
Make Do and Mend are a post-hardcore band reminiscent of Hot Water Music. End Measured Mile is their debut album, and holy bananas it's good. They've grown so much since their first two EPs. This album is full of passionate, saliva-in-the-back-of-the-throat gruff singing and excellent lyrics. It's totally relentless. This band will someday be looked at as the Hot Water Music of our generation. Hop on the bandwagon before it takes off.
"Night's The Only Time Of Day":

And #1 goes to...

The National - High Violet
High Violet caught my attention the first time I heard it. That doesn't happen often. Those 11 songs captured my imagination instantly. I don't know what it is. It's so well-crafted and beautiful. The lyrics chronicle American life for educated middle-class dudes, and that sounds boring, but it captures the beauty of it. Leaving your hometown, having a family, struggling to find success and purpose, etc. The singer, Matt Berninger, has a mesmerizing baritone to go along with those lyrics. And the arrangements and melodies are flawless. It might take a few listens for some people, but give this a try.
"Bloodbuzz Ohio":

So that's it, my beloved readers. After a lot of pacing around my room and losing sleep, I settled with these top 20. I hope you find some good new music here. Thanks for reading this obnoxiously long entry. See ya next time.


  1. Interesting, Florida bands making your top list :o
    But rlly, I'm check'n them out, its always good to have people from where you were born because you feel they are closer to you.

  2. Florida has a pretty good music scene. The North FL scene has a lot of folk-punk and our South FL area has a few pop-punk bands. :]
    It's true that they feel closer, because you share experiences with them that can only belong to a specific area.
