Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i got all these thoughts floatin'

I wasn't planning on writing any more entries until January, but who really cares? Though I might post my favorite songs of 2010 later. Maybe. I thought my list came out pretty nice. Still there are some days when I think Make Do and Mend should have been first instead of The National. But really, they're tied for me. In retrospect, one of my biggest "WTF WHY" moments that I have never said anything about was Crime In Stereo's break-up. I almost had a heart attack, and it wasn't because I was eating over-salted fast food. I don't even think they gave a proper explanation. They were pretty much like, "We're dead now. kthnxbai." But all jokes aside, that bummed me out a lot because I have a very special place in my heart for Crime In Stereo. They were the band that really and truly got me interested in hardcore. Not necessarily my first hardcore band. But I love 'em to death.

I heard in a youtube video today that hipster type up their blogs in the font called helvetica. I am currently using helvetica. Damn hipsters and scene kids ruin everything with their doo-doo. Speaking of doo-doo, I don't think I've ever made an official rant on Blood On The Dance Floor. Holy crap, that is the worst band ever. What a big pile of diarrhea. Even my nieces hate it. If you ever check out their page you're bound to laugh. Scene kids are always like, "well, that's just your opinion!" They kinda make it sound that if something is an opinion it doesn't have any worth. Also, music should be openly discussed. Unless the discussant is a troll. Lastly, Blood On The Dance Floor is so crappy that it renders their excuse of "it's my personal taste" irrelevant. It goes beyond understanding. For example, I'm not really into a lot of old gothic stuff, but I can understand why someone would listen to it, and I might even enjoy one or two bands (Siouxsie and the Banshees, anyone?). But all this crunkcore "music" is utterly dumb. Just because you mix two genres of music doesn't make you smart. Crunkcore is like putting mangos in clam chowder. Or putting onions on cupcakes. It makes absolutely no sense and tastes like sh*t. Oh, and also, nevershoutnever! gets on my nerves too. But that shall be explored another day.

I have totally fallen in love with the band Transit. They're a pretty tiny band, so far they've been playing to crowds of maybe up to 50 people. But they're so genuine it's heart-warming. More bands should be like that. I listened to the band Silent Majority for the first time today. "Polar Bear Club" is one of the best songs ever. EVER.

So I think that is all. This entry was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, random thoughts I wanted to get down. Oh, and remember how I said that Blood On The Dance Floor's page brings you the giggles? Here's the link:
I occasionally go on it and leave a troll-esque comment. It's the only thing I troll on. See ya next time.

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