Saturday, January 22, 2011

this pistol is a detachable penis

I have a feeling this entry is going to be quite long, but idgaf. But anyway, this entry is about how female anime characters get called useless from scrawny dorks who are trying to extend their manhoods by watching shonen anime. I'll give you an example. My favorite female character from any series ever is Orihime Inoue from Bleach. Oh. My. Goodness. I have never heard the useless-trip used more for any character ever. I mean, if she really was useless cannon fodder, like say Sakura from Naruto, then that's okay. Sakura doesn't even develop as a character as far as I know. Though I lost interest, I've been a fan of Bleach since before it became a dubbed series. Orihime is probably the most developed character. The reason she gets so much hate is because she has healing (technically time rejection) powers instead of a sword. And because she has an empathetic personality. Oh, and because she has deep feelings for the main character. And these scrawny dorks automatically freak out when they see their ultra-manly shonen series be infested by feelings other than anger. Because, that must mean, it's girly, right? Pfft, boys don't watch things about girly things like love.

Duderinos, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. A character doesn't need to blow shit up in order to be a strong character. Most of the time those characters are totally substanceless. Of course, I love badasses like Alucard from Hellsing or Spike from Cowboy Bebop. But they have to have some sort of substance. That is what makes a good story. Personally, my favorite characters ever are the above-mentioned Orihime Inoue from Bleach and Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. Both of these get the useless-trip from scrawny, insecure dorks. But anyone who's mature can see that they both have a lot of emotional strength. Going through insane mind-scarring shit that would probably make the main characters squeal. And love in a series isn't bad if it's well done. Like I said, Orihime at the start of Bleach, had a crush on the main character. But as the series went on, it developed into love. I won't go into detail, but it was a totally logical progression. They went through some very scary moments. However, it was also very human, due to Orihime having feelings of inadequacy because of her power's limitations. I think maybe that's what makes her an all-time favorite for me. She's very human in a series that has a lot of crazy non-human characters. Oh, and before I leave, I want to share a quote with y'all from one of the episodes. This is where she confesses her love to the main character, as he was sleeping. It's some complicated crap, but here it is:

"you know I had a lot of things I wanted to do... I want to be a teacher... I also want to be an astronaut... and also make my own cake shop... I want to go to the sweets bakery and say 'I want one of everything'... Ohhhh, I wish I could live life five times over. Then I’d be born in five different places, and I’d stuff myself with different food from around the world... I’d live five different lives with five different occupations... and then, for those five times... I’d fall in love with the same person..."

I cried when I watched that episode. If that wasn't the most heart-breaking love confession ever, you must be heartless. I'm not sure why I wrote this whole entry. I think maybe my nerdiness is starting to come back to me.

Also this was really fucking long. I'm paranoid of long entries. I'll let it slide this time. See ya next entry.


  1. I helped in this...I think <3
    Ciel Phantomhive is, development wise, my favorite character. He grows so much, all the way to the last episodes, and he's ,like, 13 years old. He's so mature and composed...another thing that I like is that he doesn't like to rely on his invincible demon to do EVERYTHING, he's ready to get in the action and has a lot of self pride. I guess he grows more into himself. Those are the best character. He isn't just a yaoi or pedo outlet. But sense this post is about female anime characters,Integra is a DAMN GOOD female character. in the end, SHE'S the one who kills the main protagonist, rules a large organization with no dicks any higher then her status, and has great loyalty and love towards her men. She also doesn't just thew Alucard around even thought he's a pawn, and the bond of trust developed through years of being by each others side is strong yet unspoken.

    That quote lost be with the whole bakery shop but I get the end result :) I bet it was great.

  2. You did <3
    Yeah, that's exactly how I feel about Alphonse Elric. He's about 11 years old and he acts so much older. Integra is like, the shizzle. She's full of utter badassness, but she's still human. AND she still is feminine in her own way. Honestly, I think Seras is a great female character too. She's all bubbly and stuff, but she's strong. Oh and she has big boobs. That counts, right?

    Lol, it's a bit of an inside joke. That series has a lot of gags and insiders. But yeah, it made me tear up. Which nevers happens, like ever.
