Monday, February 28, 2011

running like thieves, from a bad situation

"I can't stand to see you waste what's in yourself
And now I'm asking,
Are you happy with second best?
It's so contrived and disappointing
To see you complacent like all the rest"

--"Take the Risk" by In My Eyes

Yes, kids. In My Eyes is one of the best straight edge hardcore bands ever. I listened to Nothing to Hide for the first time today, and it blew my mind. 12 totally solid songs with raw passion and energy, exactly how straight edge music should be.

However, today's entry is going to be about marijuana use and my very intense feelings on it. To put it mildly, I hate it.

Remember that documentary/series I wrote about last entry? Well, most participants on that show say that marijuana is the gateway to all crime. The reason why these kids at school haven't started committing crimes for drugs yet is because they take their parents' money. And I know that by now any pothead reading this is questioning why I think it's harmful. First off, marijuana is harmful to your health. Don't even try to work your way around it. Yes, it's a herb. But a herb used for the wrong reasons, such as smoking, makes it harmful. Also, there are many other chemicals in marijuana. I'm aware of the vaporizers which supposedly remove these chemicals, but you're still taking in a herb in the wrong way. I'm not an expert on health though and I don't claim to be. I'm just a local kid with common sense. C'mon duderinos. Look at pictures of people when they're high. If it wasn't bad, then why would they look like they're on effing Neptune? Why do people do idiotic things when they're high? 

Now, potheads claim that marijuana is not addictive. Perhaps not. But us humans, we have these things called habits. We grow them. We can become somewhat psychologically addicted to it and feel empty without it. These habits can be for good things, such as prayer and music. But even these things must be taken in consideration. Some habits are bad no matter what. Marijuana use is one of them. And, just wondering, if marijuana was not addictive in this sense, why would intense users of this herb be called "potheads"? Monikers like that are there for a reason.

And now something that drives me to my tipping point. Using the Bible to justify marijuana use. Pothead justification goes like this: God created cannabis, the marijuana plant, and therefore it is freely there for any use we wish. Um. No. Take something else that is natural. An easy example is sex. God created sex to be within marriage between a man and a woman(Please don't pull out any gay marriage arguments now. That's a different story). It was meant for reproduction and to a lesser extent, our pleasure. That's what sex is for, there's no working your way around that. It's spelled out quite clearly in the Bible. Drug use isn't so clear, because they didn't exist back then as they do now. But it's there. God gave us this earth for us to take care of it the right way. That means, using plants for food and making the earth pretty. That's basically it, it doesn't include smoking the goshdarn plants. A stronger point is that using marijuana takes our minds off of God. That is clearly condemned. In a lot of cases, marijuana is somewhat idolized. You see it all the time. "Hail the leaf" and similar phrases. It's like idol worship. Of an effing plant that's being used for the wrong purpose. Oh, and Christians should follow the law unless it goes against God's law. It's clear to see that marijuana is one of Satan's most powerful weapons. And no matter what, we can't let ourselves or anyone we care about fall into it.

And plus, people. It's just disgusting. Have you seen those things? It looks like diarrhea. Sorry, but I don't wish to smoke green poop. I think people smoke it to fill up their emptiness and to get attention and fit in. Those are all wrong reasons. The best solutions to all those is to open up your heart and mind to God. When you smoke marijuana, that's truly what you're looking for. But oh well, potheads are lost and a little blog entry won't do anything.

Stay clean, everyone. See ya next entry.


  1. Someone's been reading their Bible. And "Mere Christianity"! Mama Emmy is SO.PROUD. I came home from school so mega angry, i needed this.<3
    I'll discuss each point you made:
    There's a lot of better arguments for possible God Approves Potheads then the one you brought up , but yeah, that's the most used by potheads anyway. And it's dumb. For future arguments with those dummies, Nazzy, here's a better example:
    God made _____, correct? When Cain killed Abel with _____(the first murder ever, we don't exactly remember what, these are all myth and metaphor) God was angered because a human had harmed/ been caused harm. This is the EXACT same principle. Wither Cain used stones or his bare hands, both were given to him by God. When he used either of them to harm his brother's body and his own immortal soul by conjuring his own Mortal Sin (look that up if needed), he misused what he was given to him by God. Actually, a addiction to anything-EVEN ,in extreme cases,good practices like prayer- are frowned upon in most religions. This is why we do penance or fasting, to learn that the things of this world should never hold us down and to remind ourselves of what we need and don't need. To dull our emotions or feelings with marijuana excessively and ignore our responsibilities to God, ourselves and our fellow man is the problem of Cain and Abel all over again. no habit isn't above ourselves,others, and-like you so well noted-God.
    Anyway, your argument was good and I knew where you were coming from, but sense the whole gay marriage thing could make it stand on shaky ground, that's a alternative argument you might not have thought of. Jusssst contributing :)

  2. Awesome point. Yeah, Cain and Abel is A LOT clearer than the example I used. But the thing is, most people our age aren't even familiar with Cain and Abel. I mean, it's a miracle if they're familiar with Moses. I never really used examples in my arguments with potheads. I just made my point. But from now on, I'll make sure to use Cain and Abel since it'll make them feel dumb and shut them up.

    I just tackled their most-used points here. Most of them aren't too bright anyway. I've rarely ever heard any other arguments from potheads. That's what they get for frying brain cells.

  3. XD thats not hard to do

    looooool true
