Friday, March 4, 2011

may we all make it home safely.

At my school, we have gold/black days. So, on gold days I have my first four periods and on black days I have my last four. I'm starting to hate gold days. I either go home way too happy or very frustrated, and it tends to be the latter. You see, there's a bunch of very rude atheists in my third period. It bothers me. It's really sad to see how empty all of them are, and to think they're too blind to see it.

This one boy today said the most ridiculous thing. He must have been showing off or something, because it would be totally preposterous if he was serious. The kids were talking about heaven and hell, right? And that one boy just goes, "If I get to heaven, I'm going to slap God across the face and say 'I don't believe in you' and go down to hell and party." Add some sickening enthusiasm to that, and that's what he said. Maybe to people other than me it's not that big of a deal. But I think that all Christians should take concern over statements like that. I'm not even going to go into all the scientific/theological inconsistencies of what he said, because then I'll lose my mind. I felt so hurt when he said that. It's hard to describe. I wasn't hurt because he offended me. Or because he offended God, because God can't be mocked. I felt hurt for him. It's quite pitiful. He's talking so big and he has no idea what's coming. The thing is, he's such a nice boy. But once the subject of religion comes along, he gets so hostile. My grandma always says that, "El que no este con Dios esta con el Diablo". Which translates to, "Anyone who is not with God is with the Devil. It's true. That's why they get so hostile when you say something positive about Christianity. It doesn't mean they're actually possessed or anything crazy like that, but they're lost. The world is in a way the Devil's temporary kingdom. If you don't claim Heaven to be your home, then your home is Earth. If your home is Earth, your king is the epitome of all that is evil.

I was on earlier today and I found this article over these atheist billboards that are popping up in some places. It's referring to how atheists claim they can be good people without a deity to communicate these moral values with. You know what I mean. They say they just know what's right. They also say that humans created the concept of a deity to enforce these moral values. I think it was C.S. Lewis who touched on this once. He said that if there was no God, there would be no atheists. It's like how people who lived in total darkness wouldn't have to say there's no light. Because it was never there, and there was never an apparent sign of it. They wouldn't know of it at all. The thing is, us humans live in light. If you go out early in the morning when there's a lot of light, you'll see signs of God everywhere. The most obvious is the brightness of it. But you'll still see darkness in some places. Like in shadows or in the privacy of people's homes. Some people choose to hide in life's dark spots and deny the light no matter how bright it is, and they think they can hide from the light. Those who live in the light have nothing to fear except God. And it truly isn't a bad thing to fear God. That's why our eyes our brighter, our voices bolder, and our lives so purposeful. 

"Now is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It won't last forever. We must take it or leave it."
--C.S. Lewis (spread the Lewis love!)

Thanks for reading and see ya next entry.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We have those, silver/blue days or more simply A/B days where each day you have 3rd hour everyday, plus A days first three and B days last three.
    That sucks dude :(
    "I'm not even going to go into all the scientific/theological inconsistencies of what he said, because then I'll lose my mind" PHHHFFTT u read my mind. Remember my favorite quote from C.S.Lewis: Aim for Earth and you get Earth;Aim for Heaven and you'll get Heaven,Earth, and everything in between (I'm paraphrasing, but he said that)And its a very true statement.
    :') I've created a little Lewis Monster<3 You're going to love The Loser Letters, I can feel it!!
