Thursday, November 25, 2010

take pride in decisions you've made!

Name of this entry is from the song "Decisions Made" by Champion. Annndd, it ties in because Champion is a Straight Edge band. I promised I would elaborate on what Straight Edge is and why I chose to become Edge. Before I start, I'd like to mention I finally listened to Champion's first album, Promises Kept, in completion today. Just want to say that a record hasn't given me chills in a very, very, long time.

Before you keep reading, make sure you do your homework and look up Straight Edge on the interwebs. Google is your friend, kids.

As I mentioned last entry, I became Edge this July. I'd known about it ever since I was a young kid getting into music, but had never actually considered it. Partially because I was still curious about alcohol, and also because I wasn't aware of the passion that Straight Edgers have. Now, you're all in for a treat, because I've never told anyone about the following events. This summer, a couple of weeks before I became Edge, I tried not only alcohol, but also cigarettes. That's very hard for me to say, and I'm telling you all because you're my friends. Remember how I said that Have Heart were the ones that taught me what Edge really is? Well, listening to both their albums, I realized that I didn't need those things to rise above my depression. Instead, it was dragging me down. I realized that to overcome all those bad feelings, I needed to stop depending on those things. Things that give you only a moment's satisfaction. I needed to focus. I don't remember the exact day I made that commitment, but I do remember it was one night that I was feeling totally lost. What helped me through was Straight Edge, and the millions of people involved in it.

Since I quit alcohol and cigarettes, I've felt so much better. It feels so great to know that my body isn't polluted. I also feel accomplished knowing that I overcame a really difficult time in my life without depending on any harmful substances/activities. I overcame it with my own strength, and of course, the help of the Lord. Straight Edge has also in a way helped me become more spiritual. I made that choice for myself, and also for my loved ones. I never have to worry about driving drunk, or drug overdoses, or lung cancer, or being taken advantage of, etc. Plus, too many of my heroes have passed away because of that crap.

Straight Edge is something that I personally am extremely thankful for, and I'm thankful to the people that taught me it. I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving and that you had something like this to be thankful for. See ya next time.


  1. What people don't realize about addictions is that even if they DON'T ruin your health, they are distractions from long-lasting joys this world has to offer and, more important, everlasting joys of the world to come. Its a good thing you learned this at the ripe 'ole age of 14 and not a minute later. you certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

  2. Yep, that's the base of Straight Edge. That there's more important things than drugs/alcohol, and that you don't have to do it to be happy.

    The thing is, it didn't last for long. Maybe two weeks. I didn't do it every single day. But I did it enough to feel sick and ashamed. Dude, just imagine if it had become an uncontrollable addiction. I would be so screwed.

  3. indeed. i'm glad it didn't go that way.
