Sunday, December 5, 2010


This might just be my shortest entry ever. All I want to do is post some really beautiful lyrics by a band named Tigers Jaw. They're an indie band, and the song is "Chemicals". It means a lot to me. You know why? It reminds me of Micheal "Eyedea" Larsen. One of my favorite people in the whole world who passed away this October. He was a rapper and one of the few people I could relate to. It's almost been two months, but every once in a while I remember he's gone and I get sad. I wish I could make you guys understand what he means to me. I'll make sure to write a whole entry about Mikey someday. Believe me, it's going to be really fucking long. I can rant about him all day.

Anyway, I suggest you actually listen to the song. I mean, I want you guys to understand how much this guy means to me. I think you might see a more hidden side of me. My bluebird, just like the Bukowski poem. That's really weird, but you know how I am. It's rare when two people who have never met have such a strong connection.I want to show all of you that. I think it's really special. Mikey was really special. Sometimes I wonder if people see me the way I see him. Enjoy and see ya next time.

Tigers Jaw - "Chemicals"

"We are made from chemicals
But what holds us together is much more than that
You are strong, so much stronger than me
All along, because you are everything and I am nothing

We spend our summers writing songs

Of how we never make it on our own
But here we are
And I surrender
I'm running thin
You were right, because you are everything and I am nothing

We are made from chemicals

You are strong, so much stronger than me
All along, because you are everything and I am nothing" 

                                                                    Rest in Peace.


  1. eally Interesting. Nazareth, thats the objective of art: to tella story,express a feeling,convey ideas. I feel that way about some music and a lot of works of writing. A good example of this for me would be "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman. The best Fantasy has real-word emotions and grittiness in it in my opinion, this book had that. I HATE how a lot of fantasy titles are just that, entertainment with no substance. I think you saw that in music to, appreciating what the artist slips into it. It was as all about escaping the mundane in life, seeing the fall and beauty of everyday living and appreciates it. A lot of his books are like that, children stories only on the cover but such strong, moving messages where you sear he's whispering to you....(I could go on for ever)I'm just trying to relate to you.
    Yes, i wonder that to. But as a amateur artist, I can say that's my dream and goal, for "two people who have never met (to) have such a strong connection." Its how people from separate parts of the world connecting on human elements.

  2. I believe that all art is like that. Haven't you noticed that a lot of bands/artists that pretend to be all complex and stuff are often the least creative? What matters is the actual art, not the image. And the point of all art, as you said, is to not only show an emotion, but have the person feel the way you do.

    That's what truly gets on my nerves about the music I hate. No substance. Some people think that I hate the things I hate just to be underground or whatever. Um,no. There's a lot of underground bands I'm not into. But I don't say anything because I respect them for having substance.

    Adding to thing I mentioned in the first paragraph, I feel like a lot of artists rely on only their image. I like Mikey because he used image the way it's supposed to, as only a bridge between the listener and the artist.
