Monday, December 20, 2010

leprechauns and Christian hardcore

Hey kids. I'm almost done with my albums list. I have maybe 8 or 9 left. I took a short break for two days, but now I'm back on track.

So, I was surfing the interwebs for a Have Heart shirt. Have Heart shirts are like damn leprechauns. They are SO hard to find. In the end, I didn't find one I liked. But that's not the story. On my journey to the end of the internet's rainbow, I found some shirts from the Christian metalcore band For Today. I decided to listen to their new album. And I am totally in love with this band. Breaker might just get a place in my top 15. You see, there's a lot of Christian bands coming out in the hardcore scene right now. Which is really great, but a lot of bands seem to have no pride in their message. Like, Haste the Day. I didn't even know they were Christian. But dude, this band, For Today, they're total fanatics. That makes me feel really awesome. There's so much power in their music, and I like how they act in interviews. This band truly has pride in their message. They kind of remind me of how Champion was with their Straight Edge message.

I think that Christianity has a perfect place in the punk/hardcore scene. I always hear people say "Punk is supposed to be against society, so therefore Christianity has no place in punk." Nonsense. We live in an anti-Christian society. America has this "I stand alone, every man for himself" mentality. It doesn't matter that many people in this country are supposedly Christian. Many of them are just Christian on paper, but most of the time, people just use the Lord's name to justify hatred. Those ideals are not what Christ taught. Just because these supposed Christians do that doesn't mean that Christ approves of it. I wish more people would understand that simple fact. Punk is supposed to be an escape from society, a little niche for weirdos. Compared to the rest of this reckless society, young Christians are the biggest weirdos on Earth. Plus, if you say, "so-and-so group of people aren't allowed in punk!" doesn't that make you just as bad as the society you claim to hate? I think this new wave of Christian punk/hardcore bands might help people have a bit more tolerance and open-mindedness.

I'm gonna post some links down here. The first two are For Today stuff, the first being a song, and the second being me showing off the shirt I'm gonna buy from them. The rest are some Christian clothing lines I found. Have fun and see ya next time :)

"Saul of Taurus" live:

Awesome shirt:

God Fearing Youth clothing:

INRI clothing:


  1. "On my journey to the end of the Internet's rainbow," I don't think it matters how much I love to write or anything I'll always be jealous of your imagery.
    Going to look into that band, sounds interesting :)
    "I think that Christianity has a perfect place in the punk/hardcore scene. I always hear people say "Punk is supposed to be against society, so therefore Christianity has no place in punk." Nonsense. We live in an anti-Christian society." EXACTLY. I never made that exact connection though. I guess your be conservative, in a way, is to be more rebellious or, as i like to say, "rebelling against the rebellion!" I really really REALLY like this new entry, would love to discuss it more some time :D

  2. Eh, my imagery isn't amazing. I'm just good at putting two and two together.

    Yeah, they're really solid. I think they're the best, most consistent Christian band in the scene right now.

    YEAH. Exactly, "rebellion against rebellion". All these things like atheism, sex, drugs, etc; I personally don't see that as rebellion. If you are really what one would consider a rebel, wouldn't you do the things YOU want to do? I feel that a lot of punk kids only diss religion and such because that's what is expected of punk. Once rebellion has a set definition, I feel that it is no longer rebellion. Christianity is a quiet rebellion. It's a peaceful fight against things that are corrupting our generation; such as sex, drugs, lack of morals, depression, etc. Even in the Bible it says that Christians do not belong to this world and that this is not our home.

    People can argue that surrendering your life to Christ is not doing that you want to do. That's also untrue. God gives us free will, and us Christians only surrender our lives when we choose to. He doesn't force anything on us. I firmly believe that God is freedom. Believing in Him, we no longer have to hold on to the lies this world feeds us because God's law is above the laws of society.

  3. Oh, and also I found another For Today video. It's the guitar player taking a break between songs to talk about God. It's really beautiful and it shows how much faith this band has. Check it out:

  4. Cool. "Mere Christianity" sounds, from what you've said about the Faith, SOOOO up your alley! Your gonna love it, i wish i could be over your shoulder to watch your reactions on how you like it chapter by chapter. I'd love to discuss parts of it with you, to, when your done.
