Thursday, December 2, 2010

of symmetry so ageless

Hey queefs.I want to take this opportunity to talk about music. Which is what I do everyday.

So a little while ago, I saw some concert review of Lady Gaga. Apparently her new life motto is "born this way" and she's giving speeches at every concert. All that jazz, you know. It reminds of Tom Delonge when he started Angels & Airwaves. Talk of revolution and all, which is great.

Now, I like her music. I think she's a nice girl too. But the truth is I can't relate to her at all. I can admire what she's saying, but I can't make the connection that I make with other people. That heart-to-heart connection that makes you forget you're alone, you know. And that's when my brain remembered something. You all remember I posted the lyrics to one of Have Heart's songs, right? It was the song "Watch Me Rise". I remembered that one of the lines from that song is "born this way, die this way". Then I asked myself, how come when Lady Gaga screams it, I can't feel it? But when Pat Flynn screams it, I can feel it in every cell in my body?

It's because I can't relate to her. I'm not bagging on her guys, really. I'm just using her as an example, it could have been anyone else. I didn't have the same upbringing as her, I don't dress like her, her typical fans aren't people I typically would hang out with. But Pat Flynn? Pfft. I got into Straight Edge the same way as him, I dress like him, Have Heart fans are people I would hang out with. Once again, this could have been anyone else I admire, he's just an example. It's not ass-kissing, I swear on my butt.

Duderinos, what makes you close to an artist, and/or to any form of art, is how you relate to that person. That's why my love for the music I listen to is so deep, and this today was a perfect example. I can admire a pop singer's point of view, but it can never touch me in a profound way. As humans, we like to be around people like us. That's why art will always be present. It reminds us that we aren't alone, and that simple fact is enough to save lives. I know it saved mine. If there was no punk/hardcore/indie/underground hip-hop/etc, I would most likely not be here.

I don't know if that made any sense at all. Hope you guys find something out of it though. I thought it was kinda interesting though. Oh, and the title comes from a Chuck Ragan song; "Symmetry". It's a really nice modern folk song, try to check it out. See ya next time.

1 comment:

  1. The best story-tellers, be they writers or musicians, must have the ability ti be relatable, to put their viewers in their shoes. So your right :)
