Wednesday, December 1, 2010

same shit, different smell

I have come to an important realization. Let me explain. 

First, You all know I'm a dedicated Christian right? Well, I still dislike those old ladies that stand on the street and tell you you're going to hell. And those homophobes that think gays should burn. In my opinion, they're not following Christ. They're following their hateful beliefs. As you all know, they push their beliefs and are very close-minded.

Now, I'm sure most of you have come across close-minded metalheads. You know. The guys who ONLY listen to metal and say everything else is "gay" and "DOOD METAL ROCKS AND EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS!! CUZ THAT'S WHAT THE INTERNET SAYS!! AM I COOL NOW?!" And they really hate Christianity. But the point is, they're sort of similar. Even though both groups loathe each other. Both redneck Christians and metalheads are close-minded, they push their beliefs without end, they give what they stand for a bad name, and they're overall very dull people. Just think about it, guys. In some occasions, people hate each other because they're similar.

It's safe to say I dislike both of these groups of people. The difference is I like Christianity. The Lord is awesome, no doubt. Metal, on the other had, gets on my fucking nerves. That's a whole other story though. I might explain it someday. I know a lot of you listen to metal, but I've been holding this in for years, dudes. I don't hold anything against y'all that like it though. I simply hate the guys that I mentioned in this entry. And most of the music.

If you wanna know how I came to this realization, it's because I was on Bane's page. They're a legendary hardcore band. Apparently some black metal band from Serbia didn't research before they chose their name and named themselves Bane. So now, there's two totally different Banes on one page. We were all joking about it on the shoutbox and some annoying metalhead was all like, "Idiots, this is a mix up. Listen to the black metal Bane rather than the gay core band."  Some kid replied with, "lol a black metal fan calling hardcore gay." Which is totally true. Then I was reasonable and told the dude it was butt-obvious it was a mix up and we were just joking. And that the hardcore Bane was not gay. Wasn't that some juicy gossip?

Just then, something clicked and I realized that redneck Christians and close-minded metalheads are the same shit, different smell. Genius, huh?

1 comment:

  1. See, I don't get that. Jesus hanged with the sinners and the prostitutes.You know why? Because those people needed them more and he didn't feel like he was better then anybody. Fellow Christians should live by his example, and everybody in that respect. Keep those you need and trust,like your friends, close and those who need you also close at hand.
