Tuesday, January 11, 2011

an orgy of broken computers.

Sooo, it's been a long time. I've got quite a lot to talk about.

 What first comes to mind is that I went to the mall this past Saturday. Sawgrass to be specific. Oh em gee. Hot Topic there has the BEST vinyl EVER. Like, really effing obscure records. I almost had an orgasm while looking through their vinyls. And dudes, I came across a record that will probably be extinct in a few years. Have Heart's live album, in white/clear vinyl. Those aren't even on the record label website anymore. There's no way I'm ever selling it though. Gosh, it's so good. Pat Flynn, the singer, made a little commentary in the record sleeve and I love it so much I might type it all up and post it on here. It's beautiful. I love Have Heart to death. In my opinion, one of the best hardcore bands ever. Plus I gotta give them props for getting me into straight edge. Always. On that note, my grandmomma might be buying me an antique style record player. Which is awesome, because it's the first time in a million years she notices me. She has this favoritism with my two annoying cousins. I hate kids. But whatever, I'm getting a 5-in-1 record player. It's even got a place for cassette tapes and usb drives. Biatch.

I might be starting two little projects on this blog. One is going to be reviewing the month's albums at the end of each month. Feel free to recommend me new records every week. The second is going to be a little mixtapes project. Mixtapes were originally a hip-hop thing, where rappers just rapped over some beats and pressed it onto cassettes. They would go out all over their neighborhood and offer people their free mixtape. Then the indie scene caught onto mixtapes and they would take existing songs onto cassettes. It would be in order to maybe express how they felt and give it to someone, or to get their n00b friend into Braid and The Get Up Kids. I was thinking of doing something like that, except right on here. Pretty cool.

You know what I really love? Nostalgia. You're all going to laugh at me, but back in the day Bleach was one of my favorite anime series. My nieces wanted to watch it with me last week, so I sat down and saw a few episodes with them. Now I'm getting back into it. Dayum. I feel so much nostalgia. Everything is like, coming back to me. Every once in a while I'll be like, "Oh yeah, I remember that! That was awesome!" Bleach is still an awesome series. It's just the fillers that suck. That's the problem with popular anime. However, it's a million times better than other cliche series, you know what I'm talking about. It's less childish and the characters are always interesting. Something else I noticed is that I had totally different taste in dudes when I was 11 years old. I used to be into the really typically-anime-looking-guys back in the day. Now it's drastically different. Like, now I think the bad guy in Bleach is the sexiest thing since sex. Everytime he's on the screen I make the "icameplz" face from DeviantArt. Back then he was basically nonexistent to me. It's just so interesting to revisit stuff from my childhood and see that I still love it. Also that my taste in men isn't horrendous anymore...


...I came.


  1. COOOOOOOOOOOL<3 (the record player) If the one we owned was in my room, I'd use the fuck outa it. really.cool for you. Can't wait till you'd have your own place and see it all decorated. I imagine that record player now. And a vinyl collection :)
    I used to think Tuxedo Mask was hot and you know what? STILL DO. Buuuuuut i know what you mean. Our tastes do hopefully mature from chess burgers to file men yon , but with everything.

  2. I KNOOOOOWWW :DDDD When my grandma told me I was like, "Oh em gee. Did you just acknowledge my existence?" But yeah I hope it's awesome. If I get a record player, I'm not buying CDs anymore. Watching vinyl spin is effing mesmerizing.

    Tuxedo Mask was pretty hot, honestly. But goshdamn, my tastes changed SO drastically. It's left me in a total WTFness state.

    Oh, and try to tell me you didn't love my rainbow letters. They took me like 20 minutes x3
