Monday, February 14, 2011

if only we were older.

Okay now that I've gotten rid of my rage in that last entry, onto what I was originally going to write. I hope y'all had a great Valentine's Day. Don't feel bad if you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I mean, love doesn't only apply to couples. And screw getting flowers and shit. Cliche. If I ever get a boyfriend, he has to get me an llama with a bow on its head or something.

Still, I wasn't sure how to celebrate V-Day (heh heh. Vagina Day. I lol'd). I was actually thinking about it yesterday. I guess the only thing to do is sit in my undies, write a blog while eating ice cream and cry. No just kidding. The only thing I can really do is share a couple love songs with y'all on this here blog. Even that is difficult though. Sure, I love all the corny love songs my favorite pop-punk bands make, but are they actually relate-able to me? Nope.

The only person on this grand earth that writes love songs I can relate to is Mike Kinsella. Don't worry, you know him. He's been in a LOT of bands. American Football, Cap'n Jazz, Owls, The One Up Downstairs, Joan Of Arc, and his solo project Owen. I swear, his love songs are the only ones that get to the depths of my little blackened soul. All of his songs, actually. I feel in love with American Football first. That album is in my top three of all time. It never gets old, ever. Now I'm falling in love with Owen. That's what I'm listening to now. Whenever I have Owen playing, it's like everything stands still. It actually makes me feel something, it's not just background noise or mosh fuel. I've never told anyone, but not a lot of music actually makes me feel. I know that's weird. But that's why I adore artists that actually make me feel something. Anyway, I really love Mike Kinsella. I relate to this music so much. It's unexplainable. And he's such a talented dude too. His writing is gorgeous. I try to model my writing after his sometimes. And the way he incorporates literature is amazing too.

I know most of you probably don't have the time to check out the songs I post. But, just check out these. These songs are pretty much the only love songs I can say a weirdo like me can relate to. Both written by my totally awesome imaginary boyfriend, Mike Kinsella. Enjoy and see ya next entry. I love you guys, by the way. <3

Owen - "The Sad Waltzes of Pietro Crespi"
American Football - "I'll See You When We're Both Not So Emotional"
American Football - "Letters & Packages"

1 comment:

  1. Still got that fortune cookie for you! <3
    Neil Gaiman came out with some free downloads on for Valentine's Day. They were so funny and moving, they were him narrating poems and short stories.
    And we always have platonic love, sugar tits <3

