Monday, March 28, 2011

R.I.P Mitch Dubey

I took my daily trip to today and I found some sad news. Mitch Dubey from The Flaming Tsunamis passed away this past Thursday.Honestly, I'm not even a fan of The Flaming Tsunamis. I think I listened to like three songs by them once and thought they were pretty bad. What caught my attention was the way he died. He was killed in an effing home invasion.You know, when a musician dies it's usually something cliche like a drug overdose or a drunk driving accident. But no, Mitch Dubey was apparently vegan and straight edge. None of that for him.

I have a feeling it was premeditated murder. He lived with a couple other roommates which were all there with him at the times, and no one else even got injured. According to them, he was trying to reason with the gunman before he was shot. Then, the gunman just ran off. The guys also reported that they were robbed a couple days before, probably by the same gunman. It was cold-blooded murder. Needless to say I'll be following this case.

I didn't know anything about this guy before hearing about this. Gosh, he seemed so awesome. And he was only 24 years old. Just starting to live. He was in all these bands and worked in a bike shop. He apparently really dug bikes. Also, him being straight-edge strikes a chord with me. I guess you're never completely safe. Props to him for keeping the edge strong all his life. Make sure to pray for him and his loved ones

News artciles on his murder:

Short little video of him at a show:

And most importantly, donations and such:

Even though I knew nothing about him before today, it's sad to see such a bright, happy young man go. Rest in peace, Mitch.


  1. Oh this reaks of foul play. Who robs a person and then runs into the house when people are home, shots dude they don't know and leaves? One of his "buddies" must have hired the guy and was on it. Why do punks always die like flies? :(

  2. I'm almost certain it was foul play. It was planned out for sure. The thing that bothers me though is that it was so weird. It couldn't have been drug related thing, because he was straight edge. And he seemed like a decent guy. I just don't get it. So sad :C

  3. he must have been with the wrong crowd before becoming straight edge
