Monday, February 28, 2011

running like thieves, from a bad situation

"I can't stand to see you waste what's in yourself
And now I'm asking,
Are you happy with second best?
It's so contrived and disappointing
To see you complacent like all the rest"

--"Take the Risk" by In My Eyes

Yes, kids. In My Eyes is one of the best straight edge hardcore bands ever. I listened to Nothing to Hide for the first time today, and it blew my mind. 12 totally solid songs with raw passion and energy, exactly how straight edge music should be.

However, today's entry is going to be about marijuana use and my very intense feelings on it. To put it mildly, I hate it.

Remember that documentary/series I wrote about last entry? Well, most participants on that show say that marijuana is the gateway to all crime. The reason why these kids at school haven't started committing crimes for drugs yet is because they take their parents' money. And I know that by now any pothead reading this is questioning why I think it's harmful. First off, marijuana is harmful to your health. Don't even try to work your way around it. Yes, it's a herb. But a herb used for the wrong reasons, such as smoking, makes it harmful. Also, there are many other chemicals in marijuana. I'm aware of the vaporizers which supposedly remove these chemicals, but you're still taking in a herb in the wrong way. I'm not an expert on health though and I don't claim to be. I'm just a local kid with common sense. C'mon duderinos. Look at pictures of people when they're high. If it wasn't bad, then why would they look like they're on effing Neptune? Why do people do idiotic things when they're high? 

Now, potheads claim that marijuana is not addictive. Perhaps not. But us humans, we have these things called habits. We grow them. We can become somewhat psychologically addicted to it and feel empty without it. These habits can be for good things, such as prayer and music. But even these things must be taken in consideration. Some habits are bad no matter what. Marijuana use is one of them. And, just wondering, if marijuana was not addictive in this sense, why would intense users of this herb be called "potheads"? Monikers like that are there for a reason.

And now something that drives me to my tipping point. Using the Bible to justify marijuana use. Pothead justification goes like this: God created cannabis, the marijuana plant, and therefore it is freely there for any use we wish. Um. No. Take something else that is natural. An easy example is sex. God created sex to be within marriage between a man and a woman(Please don't pull out any gay marriage arguments now. That's a different story). It was meant for reproduction and to a lesser extent, our pleasure. That's what sex is for, there's no working your way around that. It's spelled out quite clearly in the Bible. Drug use isn't so clear, because they didn't exist back then as they do now. But it's there. God gave us this earth for us to take care of it the right way. That means, using plants for food and making the earth pretty. That's basically it, it doesn't include smoking the goshdarn plants. A stronger point is that using marijuana takes our minds off of God. That is clearly condemned. In a lot of cases, marijuana is somewhat idolized. You see it all the time. "Hail the leaf" and similar phrases. It's like idol worship. Of an effing plant that's being used for the wrong purpose. Oh, and Christians should follow the law unless it goes against God's law. It's clear to see that marijuana is one of Satan's most powerful weapons. And no matter what, we can't let ourselves or anyone we care about fall into it.

And plus, people. It's just disgusting. Have you seen those things? It looks like diarrhea. Sorry, but I don't wish to smoke green poop. I think people smoke it to fill up their emptiness and to get attention and fit in. Those are all wrong reasons. The best solutions to all those is to open up your heart and mind to God. When you smoke marijuana, that's truly what you're looking for. But oh well, potheads are lost and a little blog entry won't do anything.

Stay clean, everyone. See ya next entry.

Friday, February 25, 2011

oh Fest, you exist only to make me jealous

The main line-up for this year's Fest was just announced. Sure it's in October, but who cares? Gosh, I really need to go someday. And you can bet I'm not going alone either. If you don't know what Fest is, it's basically a punk rock festival that is too awesome to have a proper name. It's right here in our very own punk rock powerhouse town of Gainesville. And by punk rock, I mean cool punk rock, not lame mohawk stuff. But knowing me, you can probably figure that out. Anyway, the line-up is AMAZING. As always it's got some of my all time favorites; Against Me!, Hot Water Music, Banner Pilot, Teenage Bottlerocket, Samiam, Lifetime, Bouncing Souls, The Menzingers, Chris Wollard, Red City Radio, The Riot Before, Make Do and Mend, Carpenter, Tigers Jaw, etc. etc. etc.

Now for the serious rant of my entry today. Last night I had nothing else to do so I turned on my TV set and flipped through channels. Eventually I found something that actually didn't involve guidas or naked teenagers. It's this show on A&E called Beyond Scared Straight. It's based on a 1970s documentary that was similarly called Scared Straight. On the show, it has these kids who are juvenile delinquents. Ya know, the kind you see at school who sell/take drugs, are alcoholics, involved in robbery and fights, stuff like that. They're taken to an actual prison with people who started in the same place as them. The prisoners knock sense into them, or at least try to. Look up some stuff on Youtube or Wikipedia and then come back here. Beyond Scared Straight isn't as harsh as the documentary it's based off of. It's definitely got less berating from the prisoners and less cursing, among other things.

Now that I've set the stage for you, I bring us to the actual point I wanted to make. People have had complaints about this series/documentary. They say it's too "rough" on the kids. I don't mean to be rude, but what the wocka flocka(*I'm making an attempt to not use foul language anymore. So I have to use baby words from now on. Bear with me.) are they thinking? "Rough" is the only way to snap those kids out of the path they're on. They won't listen to adults who say, "Oh I have a good career and I never was involved in crime." They don't care. Because they aren't aware of consequences and still see themselves having a good future. That, or they want street cred and try to be hard. Those kids have to listen to some guy that has been in prison for 30 years tell them that they're making the same mistakes as him. They need to hear that guy scream in their faces and tell them that they're nothing but soft messes trying to be hardcore. Why? Simply because it's the only way they will listen. That prisoners' past is their future, if they don't start changing for the better. It might seem rough to quiet kids like us. But for all those delinquents, its the only way they'll start changing. Not all kids change by the end of the show. In my opinion, if they don't change after seeing all those things, there isn't much hope left except leaving it to God.

One of the things that got to me about this whole thing is that I know quite a few people that should be on there. I shouldn't be saying that. Whatever happened to having an innocent childhood? Don't give me some BS answer. You choose who you want to be. There's no actual excuse for crime. A lot of days I go home feeling sick because all I ever hear is people going, "Oh man, let's get drunk on Saturday! And then let's get high!" There's so much more to live for than that. You don't need to depend on being a criminal.

I might write more over this later. I want to write over marijuana (in which I'm totally going to rage. Don't even get me started right now.) and Christianity in prisons. See ya next entry.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Paul Baribeau gives me beuners.

Anyway, I'm not going to school tomorrow 'cause I had to get something for a group project and I totally forgot it. I'm saying I'm dreadfully sick with a fever. Gosh, don't you hate group projects? Teachers need to have more sympathy for the socially awkward.

Moving on, remember a few entries ago I wrote about how I barely listen to anything I listened this time last year? It's mostly true. But duderinos, I totally just fell in love with Paul Baribeau again. He's a folk-punk singer. I never really lost my love for this dude. I just listened to him so much I got tired of his music for awhile. He's effing great. I have a thing for weirdo folk music like Paul Baribeau, and Daniel Johnston and Kimya Dawson and all those cool people.

And you know how most teenage girls have a crush on Justin Bieber? Well, I have a crush on Paul Baribeau. For real. Ya know, I think it's the beard and that gap in his front teeth. All my imaginary crushes look like mountain men playing acoustic guitars. Which is in large contrast to my midget-ness. That's all I wanted to say. Just a short little entry to pass the time. See ya next entry.


Monday, February 14, 2011

if only we were older.

Okay now that I've gotten rid of my rage in that last entry, onto what I was originally going to write. I hope y'all had a great Valentine's Day. Don't feel bad if you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I mean, love doesn't only apply to couples. And screw getting flowers and shit. Cliche. If I ever get a boyfriend, he has to get me an llama with a bow on its head or something.

Still, I wasn't sure how to celebrate V-Day (heh heh. Vagina Day. I lol'd). I was actually thinking about it yesterday. I guess the only thing to do is sit in my undies, write a blog while eating ice cream and cry. No just kidding. The only thing I can really do is share a couple love songs with y'all on this here blog. Even that is difficult though. Sure, I love all the corny love songs my favorite pop-punk bands make, but are they actually relate-able to me? Nope.

The only person on this grand earth that writes love songs I can relate to is Mike Kinsella. Don't worry, you know him. He's been in a LOT of bands. American Football, Cap'n Jazz, Owls, The One Up Downstairs, Joan Of Arc, and his solo project Owen. I swear, his love songs are the only ones that get to the depths of my little blackened soul. All of his songs, actually. I feel in love with American Football first. That album is in my top three of all time. It never gets old, ever. Now I'm falling in love with Owen. That's what I'm listening to now. Whenever I have Owen playing, it's like everything stands still. It actually makes me feel something, it's not just background noise or mosh fuel. I've never told anyone, but not a lot of music actually makes me feel. I know that's weird. But that's why I adore artists that actually make me feel something. Anyway, I really love Mike Kinsella. I relate to this music so much. It's unexplainable. And he's such a talented dude too. His writing is gorgeous. I try to model my writing after his sometimes. And the way he incorporates literature is amazing too.

I know most of you probably don't have the time to check out the songs I post. But, just check out these. These songs are pretty much the only love songs I can say a weirdo like me can relate to. Both written by my totally awesome imaginary boyfriend, Mike Kinsella. Enjoy and see ya next entry. I love you guys, by the way. <3

Owen - "The Sad Waltzes of Pietro Crespi"
American Football - "I'll See You When We're Both Not So Emotional"
American Football - "Letters & Packages"

these Grammys are grinding my gears.

Hey y'all I know it's the day of love and all that, and I'm gonna write a entry related to that later, but I wanted to take some time to comment on something that has grinded my gears.

Alright, so did you watch the Grammy Awards last night? Yeah, neither did I. But I made my daily visit to today, and noticed that a small indie rock band named The Arcade Fire won album of the year for their album The Suburbs. Now take note, they were up against monsters like Eminem, Lady Gaga, and Justin Bieber. For everyone involved in alt. subculture, this is a huge win. Rejoice. Because one of us won a Grammy award. So, be happy for that.

But remember that we live in America. The general public was not aware of The Arcade Fire. That ignorance has resulted in this:
Take a stroll through that site, then come back here. I'm calling it ignorance because the general public wants to be ignorant. "OMG! WTF is Arcade Fire? I can't believe talentless hacks lost to an honest, hard-working band!" That was satire, of course. The average teenager has many more misspellings. Oh and some people confused the band's name for the album's name. How much more stupid can you take? Awards shouldn't be a damn popularity contest. Our boys and girls in The Arcade Fire had an amazing album. And they're amazing people too. If you look up some videos from last night on Youtube, you'll see they were so cool about everything. Like, they were genuinely excited and having fun. Honestly I'm not a huuuuge fan of this band, even though this entry makes me sound like I am. I just have a lot of respect for them, even before this. I know I'm taking this a bit too seriously. Well, maybe not. I'm sure you understand.

While we're on this subject; why are people so damn afraid of new art? Like, all they want to do is stick to what they know. Maybe it's because I have a never-ending thirst for art that this annoys me. But honestly. Give someone your iPod, and they won't ever bother taking a second look at your artists. Geez. It's like they're scared of new discoveries. I'm not like that. Right now, I have like 4 albums on my computer I still haven't listened to. I wouldn't mind a couple more. Art is wonderful, I want to take it all in.

But yeah, duderinos. Rejoice in Arcade Fire's victory and take a crap on the general public's ignorance. The other artists didn't deserve it. Eminem is a fucking douchebag. Justin Bieber and Katy Perry don't bring anything new. Lady Gaga gets too much attention. Everyone is saying that Eminem got robbed. Pfft. Oh please, he won in two or three more categories. Really, the only cool thing about the Grammys was Arcade Fire. I was hoping for The Roots to win best rap album, but as fucking always, Eminem took home the award. That's another thing. Why do people like to be hated nowadays? Okay, getting off track. See ya next entry. That will be posted in a little while, hopefully.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

the whos are there, but the whys are unclear

It's 1:45 right now and I got home like an hour ago. My mom got drunk at my aunt's house, so we had to stay there until she sobered up. Gosh, I loathe being at my aunt's house. I literally sit on the couch for six hours doing basically nothing. I also hate drunk adults. I get little fits of straight-edge rage. But no big deal, right?

During my weekly six hours of doing-absolutely-nothing-ness, I often go through music on my other iPod. The one I had before my current one. I haven't updated it since last year. And holy crap. I don't listen to even half the stuff on it. It's like looking through someone else's iPod. I can't possibly be the only one. I think that with age, our tastes in art become more refined. Some might confuse that for pretentiousness, but it's really not. That's why a lot of young kids say they listen to "everything". We all know it's impossible to like every type of music. People always get so worked up over genres too. I've come to realize that genres don't really mean much unless they're really specific. Like, "emo" can mean a lot of things. To me, it means bands like Texas Is The Reason. To some, it's crap like Escape The Fate. I prefer to ask people what their favorite bands are, rather than genres. But really, genres don't matter much to me. I've come to a point where it's only good music and bad music.

Moving on though, I'd like to share something that's been in the back of my mind for awhile now. It might be a but of a shocker. I'm pretty sure I hate punks. And most of their crappy music too. Now calm down, I don't mean I hate all things relating to punk. There's always going to be a spot in my heart for pop-punk and "beardcore/orgcore/whatever you wanna call bands". By punk, I mean the fake attitudes and mohawks. Geez, I can't believe I liked that shit last year. Blink-182 said it best, "Well, I think this is growing up." It sure is. 

I just find that whole subculture really lame and fake now. They're all yelling about anarchy, but when someone goes off and tries to live a good life, they all get mad. That's just one example. A lot of them just get into trouble for no effing reason. At my current school, I've met up with a lot of punks, and I can safely say I don't like them much. It's like they all pretend to be open-minded but they're not. Plus, just think for a minute, what does punk really mean? Not much anymore. It's a bit silly to try and be part of something that is virtually meaningless. I find punks to be pretentious. And I'm glad I'm not involved with them or their music anymore. I grew the hell up. You can call me pretentious while I lay back and read Jack Kerouac novels and go on and listen to The Movielife. I don't give a flying diarrhea stain.

In terms of music, it goes back to just having refined music taste. Your musical taste buds grow too, ya know. I think listening to punk was part of growing up. Deep inside, I wanted to fit in. I tried desperately, but we've all learned that never works. I never really cared for politics either. But hey, we're all guilty of faking out of loneliness right? Looking back, it's crazy. I hate all that crap now. The Misfits, Nofx, Anti-Flag. I've changed a lot, haven't I, duderinos? *Sigh*. If I was a 30-year-old balding reviewer guy, I'd totally put on a Hot Water Music record and drink a beer. But I'm a 14-year-old Straight Edge female wearing a Hot Water Music shirt and hoping for grandmomma to get me a record player. I still have a lot of growing up to do.

So y'all don't feel bad if you grow up. It's always a shocker to see changes. But hey, we live and we learn right? I'll try to post something special on Valentine's Day. In the meantime, I'll go back to my euphoric state of pretentiousness and listen to totally non-punk, hardworking, honest, indie bands. See ya next entry.

"Honestly I can't remember teen dreams
All my teenage feelings
And the meanings
They seemed too see-through
To be true

All the whos are there

But the whys

 are unclear"
- "Honestly" by American Football

Monday, February 7, 2011

you don't like me, i don't like me, and it's unlikely

Hey kids, this will be a short little entry. I just want to share some lyrics I'm enjoying. I'm listening to '90s emo right now, and that kind of music always brings back nostalgia. Even if I wasn't around when emo was at its peak. It just has that effect on you. I hope these have an effect on you. Enjoy.

Pop Unknown - "Hanging On A Thread"
"conversations we once had. have opened up a world of insight. i know i can't be there for you now. i want to be there for you now. you're such a beautiful prize along the way. i want to be there for you now. situations take us back. and open up a world of insight. you've got me hanging on a thread. you're perfect in a strange and toxic way" 

Mineral - "Lovelettertypewriter"
"Summer unfolded like a tapestry
And you were there as you have always been

There glowing where the sky meets with the trees

Air softly crowing, singing fears to sleep

Will you ever know how much I love you for that?

Will you ever know how much I love you?"

 Benton Falls - "Sad Like Winter Leaves"
"tired. he stood in line at the grocery store. a bottle of wine and nothing more. an empty apartment to go home to. it'd been that way since nineteen seventy-two. a line on his face for every year she'd missed. a scar on his arm for every time he tried to follow her. a tear in his eye for every day gone by. going home to no one and still you could hear him cry. if i brought you down. if i caused you to drown. he's sad like winter leaves. but she won't leave his mind tonight. he stares upon her picture on the wall. and then begins to cry. let it go. he wakes to the sunrise. a broken glass upon the floor. the salt dried upon his cheeks. we've seen this all before. let it go"

I Hate Myself - "Caught in a Flood"
"How's your bell-curve? Mine's right-skewed average low. Very low. And the river - she has grown very high. Fell from the sky. And I'm wasted on cancer and bible school - not like you. Yeah, you're wasted, full and drunk from too much rain and pain and anger at tumors like me. If it would make you comfortable, I'd jump out of this tree, or maybe we could get married and be happy. These few words could be the last we ever speak. Do you think, maybe, you could love me or like me maybe? Maybe you'd look at me, you'd talk to me, we could marry, live in this tree. But it's unlikely. You don't like me, and I don't like me, and it's unlikely."

Someone bring out the tissues.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

grown ups like them and losers like me

I've been dying to make a little entry on what my favorite albums ever are. But just now I was thinking. It's a bit ridiculous to make a list like that even if I'm 14. Sometimes I forgot just how young/old I am. I can't possibly be the only one. I've always felt a couple years ahead. Sometimes I look around and I'm like, "All this stuff people my age are going through, I went through at least two years ago." I think that most of the time it's a good thing, but every once in a while it makes me feel a bit lonely. There's no one to relate to, you know what I mean? Not even those older than me. C'mon, they're not gonna take us seriously. 

Something else that gets to me almost everyday is wondering how people with a lot of friends feel like. Gosh, that sounds cliche and teen-angst-esque. But I'm sure y'all understand. It's weird, isn't it. I can count the people I actually consider friends on one hand. I'm not very fond of most people in my current high school. So, I get through the day pretty much wordlessly. It would be nice to talk to someone. Or just have one conversation without fear of awkwardness. There's been times when I just want to jump into someone's conversation or just sit down next to someone and start up a random conversation. But that would make me weird. That's something else that gets to me. Like, if you see someone wearing a band shirt you like and you compliment them, or something similar to that, they'll think you're weird. That's one of my pet peeves. How the hell is that weird in any way? I reckon it's my age, or my gender, or my height. Geez, it's like I have some sort of anti-human spray on me. While we're on this subject, have you noticed that no one is passionate about anything anymore? Going back to the band shirt example; they can be wearing the most obscure thing possible, and you'll say something about whatever band it is, and they'll just be like, "Yeah, cool." I don't get that. You should be damn excited because someone shares your not-very-common taste in music. That's how I look at it. If someone says something about my Hot Water Music shirt, I'll be stoked, because not everyone on earth listens to them(though they should). No one is passionate anymore. About anything. I used to think it was me. But not anymore. It's people. Folks nowadays are simply not social. That's why I've become so introverted. It's not worth it. You know, having forced conversations with dozens of people and all the awkwardness. Believe me, I want to be an extrovert. But I'm forced to hold it all in. I'm sure you understand.

I'm walking a tight rope, here. Too old for 14 and too young for anything older. Oh, and the title from this entry comes from the song "Quincentuple Your Money" by The Lawrence Arms. I know I touched on the "ever" subject on the beginning of this entry, but The Larry Arms are probably my favorite band ever along with The Gaslight Anthem. Those are always my top two. Fun fact: "grown ups like them and losers like me" was originally going to be the name of this blog. But it was too long, so I chose a Have Heart song title instead. So anyway, see ya next entry.