Friday, December 31, 2010

this is my year for sure

First post of 2011 right here. It's become a tradition for me to listen to "100 Resolutions" by The Lawrence Arms every New Years. I remember I first started getting into The Larry Arms at the latter end of 2009. I kinda didn't get them. But as 2010 progressed I found that I really effing loved this band. They're in my top 5 bands of all-time. I can't describe how much this band means to me and I don't think I would have survived 2010 without them. They totally saved my life. Like I said in my last post, 2010 was full of gut-wrenching moments, but it was also full of some of my best moments. I think it was my best year and worst year at the same time. Bombs away to 2011.

The Lawrence Arms - "100 Resolutions"

where have I been all your life
sitting on fences
a novocaine for all the senses
another year will pass us by
making sense of nothing
in defense of something
I laughed too late
and dug myself into a grave

this year I'll try not to think too much

this year I'll try to stand up for myself
this year I'll live like I've never lived before
this is my year for sure

another stupid clumsy story

more accidental aspirations
another explosion of silence
I think I'm going deaf
or maybe I'm just hearing less
this year I'll try to only listen to myself

 I wonder where

you'll be bringing in the new year
as midnight clocks are singing
good chance I'll be slobbering somewhere
probably pass out wasted
and sleep until the smoke clears
vague memories of midnight
flash in time to morning sunlight
wake up knowing you'll never be there.

I've got 100 resolutions
but I've got no solutions 

I've got one song i write 100 times
and only a dozen or so rhymes

this year I'll try not to drink so much.

this year I'll try to stand up straight.
this year let's live like we've never lived before
this is our year for sure

December 31st

The end of the year is always melancholy. Especially this year. Looking back, there was a lot of happy stuff. But also a lot of gut-wrenching moments. I went through the worst periods of my life this year. Mid-spring and mid-summer. So much that it left me somewhat cynical. You all know how I disconnected myself from everything and everyone. I was so sick of everything around me. If you had told me that in 2009 I wouldn't have believed it. Sometimes I remember my old dA journals and it doesn't seem like the same person. Maybe you guys won't get that. But know it feels like something is missing. I don't know what it is. I think...maybe it was knowing that everything I touched was new. Sometimes I feel like I've already passed my peak, though I know that isn't entirely true. If any of you all ever reach this point, you'll realize that it's the little things. You find that you're cynical when you were once open-hearted. You'll find that you can't relate to all your friends the way you'd wish to. The bands of your childhood don't sound the same. And you'll also realize that "childhood" was only a couple months ago but it doesn't make sense to call the present time your childhood anymore. You aren't mature though. You're just in somewhat of a midlife crisis that isn't stereotypically ridiculous. I don't mean to bum anyone out. I just wanted to somewhat document 2010. It's so peculiar to see how everything works out. Like I said before, this would have been unbelievable in 2009. Sometimes I just look at myself and don't feel the same passion. And I find myself relating to totally different people. But still, I hope and pray that 2011 is a better year.

"Falling out of touch with all my
friends are somewhere getting wasted,
hope they're staying glued together,
I have arms for them.

Take another sip of them,

it floats around and takes me over
like a little drop of ink in a glass of water"

 -- "Green Gloves" by The National

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i got all these thoughts floatin'

I wasn't planning on writing any more entries until January, but who really cares? Though I might post my favorite songs of 2010 later. Maybe. I thought my list came out pretty nice. Still there are some days when I think Make Do and Mend should have been first instead of The National. But really, they're tied for me. In retrospect, one of my biggest "WTF WHY" moments that I have never said anything about was Crime In Stereo's break-up. I almost had a heart attack, and it wasn't because I was eating over-salted fast food. I don't even think they gave a proper explanation. They were pretty much like, "We're dead now. kthnxbai." But all jokes aside, that bummed me out a lot because I have a very special place in my heart for Crime In Stereo. They were the band that really and truly got me interested in hardcore. Not necessarily my first hardcore band. But I love 'em to death.

I heard in a youtube video today that hipster type up their blogs in the font called helvetica. I am currently using helvetica. Damn hipsters and scene kids ruin everything with their doo-doo. Speaking of doo-doo, I don't think I've ever made an official rant on Blood On The Dance Floor. Holy crap, that is the worst band ever. What a big pile of diarrhea. Even my nieces hate it. If you ever check out their page you're bound to laugh. Scene kids are always like, "well, that's just your opinion!" They kinda make it sound that if something is an opinion it doesn't have any worth. Also, music should be openly discussed. Unless the discussant is a troll. Lastly, Blood On The Dance Floor is so crappy that it renders their excuse of "it's my personal taste" irrelevant. It goes beyond understanding. For example, I'm not really into a lot of old gothic stuff, but I can understand why someone would listen to it, and I might even enjoy one or two bands (Siouxsie and the Banshees, anyone?). But all this crunkcore "music" is utterly dumb. Just because you mix two genres of music doesn't make you smart. Crunkcore is like putting mangos in clam chowder. Or putting onions on cupcakes. It makes absolutely no sense and tastes like sh*t. Oh, and also, nevershoutnever! gets on my nerves too. But that shall be explored another day.

I have totally fallen in love with the band Transit. They're a pretty tiny band, so far they've been playing to crowds of maybe up to 50 people. But they're so genuine it's heart-warming. More bands should be like that. I listened to the band Silent Majority for the first time today. "Polar Bear Club" is one of the best songs ever. EVER.

So I think that is all. This entry was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, random thoughts I wanted to get down. Oh, and remember how I said that Blood On The Dance Floor's page brings you the giggles? Here's the link:
I occasionally go on it and leave a troll-esque comment. It's the only thing I troll on. See ya next time.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Top 20 Albums of 2010 (part 2 #1-10)

 #10.Sundowner - We Chase the Waves
Sundowner is really the best band ever's The Lawrence Arm's guitarist Chris McCaughan playing folk songs. This album has a lot of sentimental worth for me, as I listened to it at my sad moments this year. Can't even begin to explain how much it means to me. It shows Chris becoming his own artist, which is great, because he's often pushed aside. Did I ever tell you guys I've had a crush on Chris for like a year? True shit. 
"As The Crow Flies":

#9.Sage Francis - Li(f)e
Sage turned 34 this year, but he shows no signs of getting old or boring. Sage has always been innovative, being one of indie-hip hop's main rappers, but he takes it to a new level on Li(f)e. He's got some folky songs like "Little Houdini" and punky songs like "Three Sheets to the Wind". All these songs are introspective, especially "The Best of Times" and "16 Years". And of course, it's got plenty of Sage's one-liners and clever poetry. Another underground hip-hop classic from the almighty Sage Francis.
"I Was Zero":

#8.Transit - Keep This to Yourself
I hadn't really paid attention to this band prior to listening to this. Oh man, was I missing out. Transit is easily one of the most honest, genuine, hard-working bands in music right now. I'm totally in love with this band now. Catchy, honest pop-punk songs with tinges of hardcore and indie. The lyrics are so heartfelt it makes you wanna cry.
"Love, _____.":

#7.Fake Problems - Real Ghosts Caught on Tape
You know what's awesome? Fake Problems is one of Florida's best bands. Real Ghosts Caught on Tape is Florida put into 11 songs. Essential for any of us Floridians. There's almost a '50s appeal too. Do I really have to keep elaborating? Nope. Give this band a chance. You won't regret it.

#6.The Wonder Years - The Upsides
Are you sick of your school? Do you hate all the dumb kids? Do you hate fake tans and weed? The Upsides is for you. This is a record for quiet people that secretly have a thing for pop-punk anthems. This is pop-punk that can be relevant even after college. However, this album shows the "upsides", how there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Also, the singer, Dan "Soupy" Campbell has an awesome nickname and is straight edge. Win.
"My Last Semester":

#5. Against Me! - White Crosses
Against Me! is a flawless band. Despite what all the tr00 punx say, they have never released a bad album. Ever. And being from Gainesville, they make Florida proud. What I like about White Crosses is that it has that familiar Floridian punk sound, but it's still reminiscent of indie bands like The Hold Steady. AM! are still one of the most unique bands in modern music.
"Rapid Decompression":

#4. Four Year Strong - Enemy of the World
This album took more of a punk direction compared to their last record, but that's awesome, because it means more speed and energy. FYS are the essential hardcore-influenced pop-punk band. The songs on here have staying power and are guaranteed to get a party going. They also have awesome beards and I listened the crap out of this album during the summer. This band changed my life.
"It Must Really Suck To Be FYS Right Now":

#3. The Gaslight Anthem - American Slang 
It's no secret that Gaslight are my favorite band of all time. The record previous to this, The '59 Sound is my favorite album of all time. I obviously had very high expectations for American Slang. Needless to say, I was impressed when I heard the album. The songs on this are confident and complete, they took more time with it. There's even more of a soul/folk/blues influence, but it never loses its signature New Jersey street-cred. But what makes The Gaslight Anthem so special is their honesty,creativity, and elegance. That isn't leaving anytime soon.
"American Slang":

#2.Make Do and Mend - End Measured Mile
Make Do and Mend are a post-hardcore band reminiscent of Hot Water Music. End Measured Mile is their debut album, and holy bananas it's good. They've grown so much since their first two EPs. This album is full of passionate, saliva-in-the-back-of-the-throat gruff singing and excellent lyrics. It's totally relentless. This band will someday be looked at as the Hot Water Music of our generation. Hop on the bandwagon before it takes off.
"Night's The Only Time Of Day":

And #1 goes to...

The National - High Violet
High Violet caught my attention the first time I heard it. That doesn't happen often. Those 11 songs captured my imagination instantly. I don't know what it is. It's so well-crafted and beautiful. The lyrics chronicle American life for educated middle-class dudes, and that sounds boring, but it captures the beauty of it. Leaving your hometown, having a family, struggling to find success and purpose, etc. The singer, Matt Berninger, has a mesmerizing baritone to go along with those lyrics. And the arrangements and melodies are flawless. It might take a few listens for some people, but give this a try.
"Bloodbuzz Ohio":

So that's it, my beloved readers. After a lot of pacing around my room and losing sleep, I settled with these top 20. I hope you find some good new music here. Thanks for reading this obnoxiously long entry. See ya next time.

Top 20 Albums Of 2010 (part 1 #11-20)

I was gonna post this tomorrow, but I'm up for it right now. Here it goes. It would be nice if y'all would listen to a couple links I'm gonna post and give me opinions. So that it isn't completely pointless. That's all. Bombs away :)

#20. Iron Chic - Not Like This
With members from the legendary Latterman, this band has to be good. Gruff and melodic "orgcore" pop-punk so catchy they'll be stuck in your head for weeks. 
"Every Town Has An Elm Street":

#19. Man Overboard - Real Talk
Man Overboard are one of these new bands that play pop-punk that isn't horribly cliched and overproduced. They take elements from '90s pop-punk like blink-182 and make it relevant. Also, they made awesome sweatshirts that said "Defend Pop Punk" on them. Instant love.
"Al Sharpton":

#18. The Menzingers - Chamberlain Waits
The Menzingers are one of punk's best well-kept secrets. They're perfect to listen to whether it's for fun or for more serious times. With this album, they got even better than they were. The only problem is that this album didn't have a lot of staying power with me. However, I'm sure their next album will be an all-around winner.
"Time Tables":

#17. The Riot Before - Rebellion
This band is one of my all-time favorites, and their singer is one of my favorites as well. Rebellion was full of high-paced punk songs that will someday be regarded as classics.
The music video to this song is awesome:

#16. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
You will all hate me for placing Kanye here. But I blatantly dgaf. He's talented no matter how much of a jerk he is. This album shows his full capability as an artist, and he's effing great.
"Monster". it lives up to its title:

#15. Gorillaz - Plastic Beach
Gorillaz is one of the most unique projects in all of music. Plastic Beach is a bit of a grower, but it's addicting after awhile. Everything about it is great; the story, lyrics, featured artists, etc. Welcome to the world of the plastic beach. Huzzah.
"On Melancholy Hill":

#14. Tigers Jaw - Two Worlds 
Tigers Jaw is the essential pop-punk-tinged indie band. They actually sound a tiny bit like Weezer, but much, much better. Their songs are usually little two-minute spurts of emotion. Really awesome spurts of emotion, that is.
"Let Go/Trashed Floors":

#13. For Today - Breaker
Breaker eventually did get a place in my top 15, just as I said in an earlier post. It's their best record, because it's so powerful. It chronicles the writer breaking away from sin, as the title suggests. For Today is currently the best Christian hardcore band, no doubt.
"White Flag":

#12. The Roots - How I Got Over
The Roots are always bringing new flavor to hip-hop, ever since they started. This album reminded me of one of my favorite albums ever, Marvin Gaye's Whats Going On. It's socially conscious, but at the same time very introspective. Oh, and it blends motown soul and old school hip-hop beautifully. The Roots deserved 10 grammy nods more than Eminem did.
"How I Got Over":

#11.Ceremony - Rohnert Park
The first real entry I wrote on here was about this band. I adore this band because of their dark, suburban sound. This band sounds sick, literally. Also because they bring something totally unique to hardcore. Hardcore went through a period of staleness. But if this is hardcore's future, we have nothing to worry about.
"Back in '84": 


Tomorrow I'll be posting my top 20 albums from 2010. But as I promised, today I'll be posting my favorite live albums/EPs/splits, disappointments, and my most anticipated for 2011. Bombs away.

Live albums/EPs/Splits
  • Have Heart live CD/DVD
  • Frank Turner - Rock & Roll EP
  • Balance and Composure/Tigers Jaw Split 12" Record
  • Junior Battles s/t EP 7"
  • Banner Pilot - Resignation Day re-issue 
Things That Made Me Sad
  • Eyedea passing away in October.
  • Nujabes passing away in February.
  • Motion City Soundtrack - My Dinosaur Life. It was bland.
  • Jimmy Eat World - Invented.
  • Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma. It was painful to listen to.
  • Sage Francis announcing no more tours
  • Crime in Stereo breaking up almost gave me a heart attack
  • Same with Ruiner's break-up.
  • Atmosphere's new EP. How on earth can Slug and Ant do that to me?
Most Anticipated For The Year Before The World Ends
  • Polar Bear Club
  • Jawbreaker reunion? I can dream.
  • Bayside
  • blink-182
  • Atmosphere?
  • unreleased Nujabes and Eyedea, maybe?
  • The Wonder Years

i am everything i am not

I'm currently mapping out my best-of-2010 list. Not in my head, but on my computer. Today I might post some other stuff, like my favorite live albums/EPs/splits, my biggest disappointments, and my most anticipated for 2011. I had to delete the music survey I made because it was just too damn long. It'll be up on my journal sometime soon.

But I wanted to take a short break and talk about a realization I had a couple days ago. I noticed that I like punk that indie kids like and indie that punk kids like. I also like hip-hop and hardcore that indie kids like. So, it's like I'm an indie kid but at the same time I'm not. You all know I hate all these dumb labels, but whatever, this is for fun. What I also noticed is that I tend to hate more popular artists in these genres, except for maybe '90s gangster rap. But I hate all those popular punk bands. Like; Dropkick Murphys and The Misfits? Loathe them. Indie bands such as Arctic Monkeys and Muse? They're better than the bands I just mentioned, but they're overrated. It's no secret I also hate mainstream hip-hop, if you can even call it hip-hop. Remember kids, Rap - Lies = Hip-Hop. I tend to be driven away from popular hardcore bands as well. 

I know that most people would take this as elitism. But it's honestly not. I try with all these genre's popular artists and I can't help it. It's like the popular artists from most genres are the most stereotypical. The more popular a genre is, the more it is true. The most popular from those I mentioned is punk. Punk gathers people from all ages, but mostly teenagers like us. Teenagers don't give a flying diarrhea stain about anything other than being a "rebel". Thus, "obscure" bands like Nofx get all the attention. This causes punk bands that actually bring something NEW to the genre to be pushed aside. Were you familiar with Hot Water Music and The Menzingers prior to me talking about them? Unfortunately, probably not. It's not your fault. Blame it on dumb kids that shove aside creative bands for blandness. Then when you talk about hip-hop, people think you mean Lil Wayne. If you're lucky, maybe Tupac. But there's more to hip-hop than that. What about masterminds like Heiruspecs and Prefuse 73? Also, hardcore isn't limited to New York and the '80s. Throw on some Ceremony and Verse for awhile instead. Indie is also abused often. I won't even get into that. POP-PUNK is also severely abused. Blink-182 is practically flawless. New Found Glory too. Pop-punk can be versatile. Look at Transit, Dillinger Four, and Man Overboard. Oh wait, I forgot, it's not punx enough.

This post might offend some people, but IDGAF. I think this is the only time I've freely let out the grumpy middle-aged alcoholic reviewer guy inside me. I think I just hate teenagers. And their crappy music. Like I said before, this is a bit elitist, but it's not voluntary. I'm allowed to have my tastes no matter how weird they may be.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

It's technically still Christmas Eve at 11:30 right now. It's Hispanic tradition to celebrate Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day. I just wanted to post this to wish you all a merry Christmas.

The birth of Jesus Christ is never specified in the Bible. But there's nothing wrong with dedicating a day to the birth of Jesus. It doesn't matter if it's not accurate. Christmas is a day to celebrate. I've spent the day listening to Christmas jams, hanging out with my family, and watching Christian testimonies on youtube. All these things make God happy. It doesn't matter if December 25th isn't the accurate date.

Sometimes I remember the years when I was an atheist. I was just a kid. I remember I started to feel distant from God. Then one day I decided that I didn't need Him and that I would be free without him. That's pretty laughable now. You're not free without Him. You have chains attached to your ankles, and they're connected to the world and to all types of sin. I remember that I was a horrible person. I would make people feel uncomfortable by dissing them. I would make fun of Christianity. I would laugh at my parents. I felt so empty.

The night I went back to being Christian, it was March 17th, approximately two years ago. All I can say is that I was scared out of my mind. That night I felt like demonic forces were watching me. I don't care if you all laugh, because it's totally true. That night I saw a demon at the foot of my bed. It tried to claw at me, but it was as if there was a shield protecting me. That my friends, was the Lord.

After that I was still hesitant. I believed in Him, but I didn't read the Bible much. I barely ever prayed. Gaining the approval of others was still more important to me. But then one day in June, I went to the church I was baptized in. It was a family member's funeral. I felt a presence unlike anything before. I can say it strengthened my relationship with God and that helped me so much this summer. Then in August after school started, my relationship has strengthened a lot more. I think that being alone in a crowd of atheist potheads has made me more interested in my God.

But after all this, I realized that I hadn't completely given my life to God. I was still holding on to a bit of my pride. When you become Christian, you typically have to ask the Lord to have control of your life and work through you, instead of you working through Him. I had never asked for that. But tonight I did. It was really just a few minutes ago. I was alone in this room; in my step-aunt's room watching a testimony on youtube. And I suddenly felt like I had to finally turn in my life to the hands of Christ. And I finally did. Right after I finished that prayer, the door to this room opened by itself. It was totally closed when I walked in, and there was no one in the area. That my friends, was once again the hand of God almighty. To show me He accepted my prayer. I have never felt so much at peace and so fulfilled.

So, that was my own personal testimony. Merry Christmas to all of you. Make sure to realize the true meaning of this day. Thank the Lord for all that He has given us. We are nothing without Him. Nothing but sin. Though we can never let go of sin, through Him we have a new life. A real life. Peaceful and eternally happy, unlike the things the world gives us. I hope that I can make God as happy as possible. Now that I have finally let Him in, He can work through me and make me what He wants me to be. I know that it will be something great. Because once you accept Lord Jesus into your heart, He mends everything that is broken and it makes it beautiful.

Thank Jesus Christ for everything that we have been blessed with and may his glory fill this broken world. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas Day. Amen.

Monday, December 20, 2010

leprechauns and Christian hardcore

Hey kids. I'm almost done with my albums list. I have maybe 8 or 9 left. I took a short break for two days, but now I'm back on track.

So, I was surfing the interwebs for a Have Heart shirt. Have Heart shirts are like damn leprechauns. They are SO hard to find. In the end, I didn't find one I liked. But that's not the story. On my journey to the end of the internet's rainbow, I found some shirts from the Christian metalcore band For Today. I decided to listen to their new album. And I am totally in love with this band. Breaker might just get a place in my top 15. You see, there's a lot of Christian bands coming out in the hardcore scene right now. Which is really great, but a lot of bands seem to have no pride in their message. Like, Haste the Day. I didn't even know they were Christian. But dude, this band, For Today, they're total fanatics. That makes me feel really awesome. There's so much power in their music, and I like how they act in interviews. This band truly has pride in their message. They kind of remind me of how Champion was with their Straight Edge message.

I think that Christianity has a perfect place in the punk/hardcore scene. I always hear people say "Punk is supposed to be against society, so therefore Christianity has no place in punk." Nonsense. We live in an anti-Christian society. America has this "I stand alone, every man for himself" mentality. It doesn't matter that many people in this country are supposedly Christian. Many of them are just Christian on paper, but most of the time, people just use the Lord's name to justify hatred. Those ideals are not what Christ taught. Just because these supposed Christians do that doesn't mean that Christ approves of it. I wish more people would understand that simple fact. Punk is supposed to be an escape from society, a little niche for weirdos. Compared to the rest of this reckless society, young Christians are the biggest weirdos on Earth. Plus, if you say, "so-and-so group of people aren't allowed in punk!" doesn't that make you just as bad as the society you claim to hate? I think this new wave of Christian punk/hardcore bands might help people have a bit more tolerance and open-mindedness.

I'm gonna post some links down here. The first two are For Today stuff, the first being a song, and the second being me showing off the shirt I'm gonna buy from them. The rest are some Christian clothing lines I found. Have fun and see ya next time :)

"Saul of Taurus" live:

Awesome shirt:

God Fearing Youth clothing:

INRI clothing:

Monday, December 13, 2010

updates and drums

I feel much better than yesterday. Totally more chilled. I got to spend a nice, quiet day.

So far I've gone through almost ten of the albums on my list. There's been some that have a guaranteed place in my top ten, while others I totally loathed. I skipped over one today, because everyone kept saying it was total suck. Then of course there's the mediocre albums that might get a place in my runners-up section. But we'll see how things turn out later on, shall we?

I think you've all met up with those guys that are always ranting about their favorite guitar players and such. You know, claiming that "so-and-so is the best guitarist EVAR." I hate that. All musicians nowadays are judged on their speed, not on skill. How lame. Back in the days of jazz and such, speed really didn't matter. What mattered was melody, rhythm, groove, and power. One of the reasons I have a thing for jazz even if I don't listen to it often.

But back on subject, I'm sure you all also know that I started playing drums this year. I occasionally look up drumming videos out of curiosity. Dude. On every damn video all I see is kids claiming that if a drummer goes slow then he's worthless. By that logic, only rock drummers are good. And you know kids, my favorite drummer is not a rock drummer. I believe that hip-hop and jazz is more difficult to play than rock. You have to keep a steady, yet groovy rhythm and if you mess up, you're dead. Wanna take some guesses? My favorite drummer in the history of forever is Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson from The Roots. The Roots are a hip-hop band, not a group, a band. They play instruments. It gives them such a gorgeous, rich sound. Questlove has some of the smoothest drum playing ever. Oh, and he has a huge awesome afro too. Win? I think so.

I just wanted to share that with you guys. See ya next time.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

walk the line

So far, I've listened to 9 out of 34 albums on my list. I technically have time to listen to at least one more, but I have a huge headache today. Not as in physical pain, I mean like a figurative headache. Does that make sense? Like when everything feels out of place and it bothers you to no end. I'll probably go right off to bed after I write this.

But don't think this is total whining. There's something I want to share which I probably can never talk of again, because then I'll have figurative headaches for weeks. Okay, so first, do some research on sleep paralysis just to get an idea. It's basically when your mind wakes up before your body. It usually only lasts for about 30 seconds. You feel as if your body is paralyzed, and you can only move your eyes. You can't speak, but you can hear your thoughts out loud. Basically, your subconscious and consciousness are having a little tug-o-war. So, I suppose you can say that depending on which side is stronger, your dreams can feel real or reality can feel like a dream. They say this can happen from overeating, depression, caffeine, and trauma.

As you can probably tell, this happened to me today. I had that damn sleep paralysis. Again. It has happened maybe 3 or 4 times before. I finally confronted my mom about it and we came to the conclusion that it's from my accident. The one I had this summer. When I had my accident I was knocked unconscious for about 15 seconds. Then I woke up and felt totally numb. The same exact way I feel when I have sleep paralysis. I also wake up with the same drowsiness and I try to call for someone exactly how I did when I fell. But check this out, these little episodes only happen at my dad's house. Why? Because that's where I was before I left to my friend's house. I also spent my post-accident days there. It's some really weird, psychological stuff.

Today's episode was pretty bad. Arguably the worst. Probably because I've been thinking a lot about it for no apparent reason. Gosh, guys. It's horrible. You feel as though something is dragging you down to the ground, or that you're swimming in extremely deep oceans with overwhelming pressure on you. Then you finally wake up and you still have a buzzing feeling in your head. Take note this has only happened a couple times, but it's enough for me to get worried. The only way to overcome this is to just not think about the accident. Move it really deep into my subconscious.

I'm posting this because it's an interesting topic. Walking that thin line between subconscious and conscious. It's worthy of some research, I suggest you all check it out. However, don't try to do it through "astral projection" or whatever. Believe me, you don't want to try it out. It's very scary. Now that I think about it, this happened to me before the accident. Like when I was a little kid. I guess I simply have a tendency, for whatever reason, to have episodes of sleep paralysis and the accident just boosted it to over 9000. I guess it's from fear or stress, and in this case, trauma. But anyway, don't try it out, even if it's interesting. It's best not to mess around with your mind too much.

So have fun with that. I still feel unsettled. But whatever. Tonight I'll chill out; drink mango soda, eat Doritos, watch Cowboy Bebop and listen to Marvin Gaye. Tomorrow I'll go back to my listening schedule and such. Bombs away. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

just so you seeee

Remember I said last entry I was gonna make a 2010 list of the best albums from this year. And that I was REALLY backed up. Well, just so y'all see I'm not exaggerating, I composed a list of all the albums I have to listen to before the end of the year. I didn't realize I had so much to listen to until now. I'm about to have a heart attack...I don't have a lot of time TT-TT

  • The Riot Before - Rebellion
  • Sage Francis - Li(f)e
  • The National - High Violet
  • The Roots - How I Got Over
  • Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
  • Bars of Gold - Of Gold
  • Motion City Soundtrack - My Dinosaur Life
  • Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma
  • Crime in Stereo - I Was Trying to Describe You to Someone
  • Set Your Goals - This Will Be the Death of Us
  • Transit - Keep This To Yourself
  • Man Overboard - Real Talk
  • Fake Problems - Real Ghosts Caught on Tape
  • Jimmy Eat World- Invented
  • The Wonder Years - The Upsides
  • The Menzingers - Chamberlain Waits
  • The Flatliners - Cavalcade
  • Gorillaz - Plastic Beach
  • Frank Turner - Rock and Roll EP
  • The Hold Steady - Heaven Is Whenever
  • This Is Hell - Weight Of The World
  • Punchline- Delightfully Pleased
  • Make Do and Mend - End Measures Mile
  • Ray LaMontagne - Good Willin' and The Creek Don't Rise
  • Tigers Jaw - Two Worlds
  • Alkaline Trio - This Addiction
  • The Chariot - Long Live
  • A Day To Remember - What Separates Me From You
  • Angels & Airwaves- Love
  • Balance and Composure/Tigers Jaw - Split 12"
  • Envy - Recitation
  • La Dispute/ Touche Amore split
  • Bane - Holding This Moment
  • John Legend & The Roots - Wake Up!
That's 34 albums, kid. Thirty-fucking-four. I'm gonna have to just not listen to some stuff. I'm going to go insane if I don't let some stuff go...This can't happen again 2011. See ya next time.

i'm so backed uuuppp

So, I'm writing this from my finance/business class. Really I just have nothing better to do. Anyway, I want to make a list of 2010's top albums. It's not as easy as it sounds. I have the weirdest listening pattern ever. It takes me so long to get into a band, and that really slows down my process. I've sort of improved in past few months, like I downloaded almost all of Sage Francis's albums in one month. But it's not good enough. I'm still scrambling, trying to decide which albums I should listen to before the last week of December. But no worries. I'm waiting for and to finish their lists so I don't miss anything.

2010 was a good year for music, especially for punk rock. With The Gaslight Anthem, Fake Problems, and Against Me! releasing great new records, it's been awesome. Plus, there were other releases from Sundowner, Iron Chic, Brendan Kelly's acoustic EP, Frank Turner, Set Your Goals, Four Year Strong, etc etc etc. Indie of course, always has success. I haven't been up to date with indie this year...or any year. That will change in 2011. I really have to give The National a listen. Good blue-collar-indie-rock. For hardcore, this year was just "okay". Ruiner and Crime In Stereo both broke up. Like, soon there's going to be nothing left. For real. There's only Make Do And Mend and Polar Bear Club bringing new flavor to hardcore. This year in hip-hop was pretty "meh." too. Especially since Eyedea passed away and Sage Francis announcing no more tours. And man, I never thought I would say this, but Atmosphere's new EP was so mediocre. "Freefalling" was the only really solid track. I hope the new stuff is better. Eminem's new album was pretty good though. On my listening schedule for hippity-hop, I got to listen to new albums from Sage Francis, The Roots, and Kanye West. Yes. You read that right. Kanye West. I know he's a "gay fish" and all, but everyone on is going insane with his new album. I've heard two tracks...and they're good. Maybe 2011 will bring new found love for Kanye? Who knows.

I'll probably write some more later. Damn this class is so boring. All we do is sit and pretend to work. And is blocked. FFFFUUUUU.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"I don't know if you actually saved my life,

But you changed it, that's for sure." That's from the Smoking Popes song "You Spoke to Me". As this blog continues, I'm going to be posting a good amount of lists. Today I want to make a list of artists/bands/writers that have affected my life insanely. I'll probably write about all of them someday. Just wanted to make a fun little list. I might put little notes too. Oh, and I'll put a little star next to the writers. There's only like two. You guys know I'm a music nerd. Also, it's sorta-kinda in an order, from major to less major, but it's not exactly numbered. Some of these bands I might not listen to the way I used to, I might not listen to them at all. But if they affected me, then they deserve a place. Bombs away.

  • The Gaslight Anthem
  • The Bouncing Souls
  • Rancid (first punk band, when I was a youngin')
  • The Lawrence Arms
  • Eyedea & Abilities (R.I.P Mikey)
  • Hot Water Music
  • Jawbreaker
  • Atmosphere
  • Against Me!
  • Jack Kerouac *
  • Neal Cassady* (actually isn't a writer, but was closely associated with the beat generation)
  • Charles Bukowski *
  • Black Flag (first hardcore band. I was in 5th grade)
  • Rise Against
  • Frank effin' Turner
  • Bayside
  • Banner Pilot
  • Four Year Strong (changed my life this summer)
  • Have Heart
  • American Football
  • Sundowner
  • Nujabes (R.I.P, died in February this year. Favorite turntablist. )
  • Brother Ali (he's an albino muslim. And an amazing human being too)
  • Sage Francis
  • Paul Baribeau
  • Blink-182
  • Sublime
  • Menzingers
  • Samiam
  • The Beatles
  • Tupac
  • Biggie Smalls (if you say his name 3 times in a mirror, you get shot. Try it)
  • Tom Waits
  • Teenage Bottlerocket (started my love for "ramones-core", aka, very poppy-punk)
  • Less Than Jake
  • Aesop Rock
  • Descendents
  • The Smiths
  • Lucero (country-punk band, not the Mexican singer. Fights over it are crazy.)
  • Bad Religion
  • Lagwagon
This list will have more as the years progress. Maybe next year I'll make another one. Since it's the end of 2010, y'all will be getting a lot of Nazzy-nostalgia. Now, like I said before, some of these bands I don't listen to as much, but I still admire them a lot. For example, Sublime, Lagwagon, and Less Than Jake. I didn't add bands that I used to listen but no longer admire. I used to listen to some embarrassing stuff, guys. I used to totally dig the Misfits and Linkin Park. That was yearrrss ago. In like 4th grade. The Bouncing Souls were really the band that changed everything for me, even if The Gaslight Anthem are my favorite ever. Well, see ya next time duderinos.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


This might just be my shortest entry ever. All I want to do is post some really beautiful lyrics by a band named Tigers Jaw. They're an indie band, and the song is "Chemicals". It means a lot to me. You know why? It reminds me of Micheal "Eyedea" Larsen. One of my favorite people in the whole world who passed away this October. He was a rapper and one of the few people I could relate to. It's almost been two months, but every once in a while I remember he's gone and I get sad. I wish I could make you guys understand what he means to me. I'll make sure to write a whole entry about Mikey someday. Believe me, it's going to be really fucking long. I can rant about him all day.

Anyway, I suggest you actually listen to the song. I mean, I want you guys to understand how much this guy means to me. I think you might see a more hidden side of me. My bluebird, just like the Bukowski poem. That's really weird, but you know how I am. It's rare when two people who have never met have such a strong connection.I want to show all of you that. I think it's really special. Mikey was really special. Sometimes I wonder if people see me the way I see him. Enjoy and see ya next time.

Tigers Jaw - "Chemicals"

"We are made from chemicals
But what holds us together is much more than that
You are strong, so much stronger than me
All along, because you are everything and I am nothing

We spend our summers writing songs

Of how we never make it on our own
But here we are
And I surrender
I'm running thin
You were right, because you are everything and I am nothing

We are made from chemicals

You are strong, so much stronger than me
All along, because you are everything and I am nothing" 

                                                                    Rest in Peace.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I think this is the first time I've written to entries in one night. I have a lot to write about, as I've been thinking a lot lately. Still, I don't want to bombard my blog with 5 entries in one night.

Anyway, I wanted to post two really cool poems by one of my favorite authors, Charles Bukowski. He's a classic example of a guy that was a total asshole, but for some reason, a genius. I mean, he was a raging alcoholic. But he wrote some really touching things. Hence, he's become a hero for all working-class alcoholic recluses all over the Earth. Even though I'm not an alcoholic, his poem "Bluebird" helped me a lot during the summer. I would just sit at night and listen to the youtube recording of it. It still means a lot to me. I can really relate to what he's saying. It's like he wrote down my thoughts. "The Man With the Beautiful Eyes" is a really nice poem too. Links are down at the bottom. Enjoy.

"Bluebird" Recording:
"Bluebird" Animation
"The Man With the Beautiful Eyes" Rec./Anim.:

there’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I’m too tough for him. I say “stay in there. I’m not going to let anybody see you”

there’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I poor whiskey on him and inhale cigarette smoke and the whores and the bartenders and the grocery clerks never know that he’s in there

there’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I’m too tough for him. I say “stay down, do you want to mess me up? do you want to screw up my works? you want to blow my book sales in Europe?”

there’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I’m too clever. I only let him out at night sometimes when everybody’s asleep. I say “I know that you’re there so don’t be sad”. Then I put him back but he’s singing a little in there. I haven’t quite let him die. And we sleep together like that, with our secret pact ,and it’s nice enough to make a man weep…but I don’t weep. 

Do you? 

butter on a summer's day

You know, I always hear people talking about what the saddest songs ever are. But I don't think there can ever be a definite "saddest song ever", because everyone gets different emotions out of all works of art. Sometimes a song can be very emotional for a certain person, but nothing for someone else. We all have a certain song that gets to us.

In my opinion, the saddest songs I've ever heard are "Megan" by the Smoking Popes, Bayside's cover of "Megan", and "I Keep a Diary" by Braid.

Smoking Popes' original "Megan" is at first glance, a sappy love song. But it's like, really deep. The band never spoke about the song's real meaning, but the basic idea of it is that 'Megan' is gone, and the guy tries everything imaginable to get to her. He looks for her until he "has to go", and he dies. The Smoking Popes' original evokes a lot of emotion because their singer is really freaking good. He's like Frank Sinatra singing for an indie band. And the electric guitars have a sad tone. Bayside's cover is also great because it sounds like it's their own song. The singer's voice goes along really good with the song; his voice always sounds tired, just like the song's character must be. Man, I remember I felt really melancholy for days after I heard it. Maybe it's just me, because no one else seems to get it. You see what I mean? Not everyone gets the songs you might get.

Braid's "I Keep a Diary" is one of the few songs that is sad because of the instrumentation. The guitars are perfect, they sound bleak, but still very emotional. And the drums are really nice too. I think the lyrics are pretty much about letting go of the past. "Come on, come on, so long, so long, move on, move on". One of the best choruses ever.

Lyrics will be posted at the bottom, as always. I think I might write another entry tonight, so make sure to be up. See ya next time :]

"Megan" - Smoking Popes/Bayside

butter on a summer day when shes around,
i was on the tracks when the gate came down.
suddenly i recognized, those bloodshot rear view mirror eyes of mine.
i heard that whistle call my name.
i almost drove away.
but Megan i, had a feeling that you would be on that train,
so i just waited there for you.

got a ride to another town, where the air was clean,
and the sun never goes down.
everyone was standing in a line, between the landing and the stairs.
i heard somebody call my name.
i almost climbed the stairs...
but Megan i, had a feeling that someday you'd meet me there.
so i just waited there for you.

butter on a summer day when i hear that name,
a dream that never came true.
sat down on the tracks and waited for a train,
to take me back to you.
somebody came and took my hand..
i finally had to go,
but Megan i, just want you to know.
i waited as long as i could.

butter on a summer day when shes around... 

"I Keep a Diary" - Braid

ten ten ninety seven
rock springs wyoming hotel
as far as i can tell
i just don't miss you anymore
yawn and the tears tear
streams down the sink
you know what i think?
i can never yawn again

come on so long move on

one two and three
i can see exactly
just where you ruined me
nineteen i said i hated you
but kissed you on twenty-two
and music together
i meant it for a moment
twenty-two and through and through

come on so long move on

I'll keep you here
right next to me
and i promise to wait
if you say you're still coming.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

of symmetry so ageless

Hey queefs.I want to take this opportunity to talk about music. Which is what I do everyday.

So a little while ago, I saw some concert review of Lady Gaga. Apparently her new life motto is "born this way" and she's giving speeches at every concert. All that jazz, you know. It reminds of Tom Delonge when he started Angels & Airwaves. Talk of revolution and all, which is great.

Now, I like her music. I think she's a nice girl too. But the truth is I can't relate to her at all. I can admire what she's saying, but I can't make the connection that I make with other people. That heart-to-heart connection that makes you forget you're alone, you know. And that's when my brain remembered something. You all remember I posted the lyrics to one of Have Heart's songs, right? It was the song "Watch Me Rise". I remembered that one of the lines from that song is "born this way, die this way". Then I asked myself, how come when Lady Gaga screams it, I can't feel it? But when Pat Flynn screams it, I can feel it in every cell in my body?

It's because I can't relate to her. I'm not bagging on her guys, really. I'm just using her as an example, it could have been anyone else. I didn't have the same upbringing as her, I don't dress like her, her typical fans aren't people I typically would hang out with. But Pat Flynn? Pfft. I got into Straight Edge the same way as him, I dress like him, Have Heart fans are people I would hang out with. Once again, this could have been anyone else I admire, he's just an example. It's not ass-kissing, I swear on my butt.

Duderinos, what makes you close to an artist, and/or to any form of art, is how you relate to that person. That's why my love for the music I listen to is so deep, and this today was a perfect example. I can admire a pop singer's point of view, but it can never touch me in a profound way. As humans, we like to be around people like us. That's why art will always be present. It reminds us that we aren't alone, and that simple fact is enough to save lives. I know it saved mine. If there was no punk/hardcore/indie/underground hip-hop/etc, I would most likely not be here.

I don't know if that made any sense at all. Hope you guys find something out of it though. I thought it was kinda interesting though. Oh, and the title comes from a Chuck Ragan song; "Symmetry". It's a really nice modern folk song, try to check it out. See ya next time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

same shit, different smell

I have come to an important realization. Let me explain. 

First, You all know I'm a dedicated Christian right? Well, I still dislike those old ladies that stand on the street and tell you you're going to hell. And those homophobes that think gays should burn. In my opinion, they're not following Christ. They're following their hateful beliefs. As you all know, they push their beliefs and are very close-minded.

Now, I'm sure most of you have come across close-minded metalheads. You know. The guys who ONLY listen to metal and say everything else is "gay" and "DOOD METAL ROCKS AND EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS!! CUZ THAT'S WHAT THE INTERNET SAYS!! AM I COOL NOW?!" And they really hate Christianity. But the point is, they're sort of similar. Even though both groups loathe each other. Both redneck Christians and metalheads are close-minded, they push their beliefs without end, they give what they stand for a bad name, and they're overall very dull people. Just think about it, guys. In some occasions, people hate each other because they're similar.

It's safe to say I dislike both of these groups of people. The difference is I like Christianity. The Lord is awesome, no doubt. Metal, on the other had, gets on my fucking nerves. That's a whole other story though. I might explain it someday. I know a lot of you listen to metal, but I've been holding this in for years, dudes. I don't hold anything against y'all that like it though. I simply hate the guys that I mentioned in this entry. And most of the music.

If you wanna know how I came to this realization, it's because I was on Bane's page. They're a legendary hardcore band. Apparently some black metal band from Serbia didn't research before they chose their name and named themselves Bane. So now, there's two totally different Banes on one page. We were all joking about it on the shoutbox and some annoying metalhead was all like, "Idiots, this is a mix up. Listen to the black metal Bane rather than the gay core band."  Some kid replied with, "lol a black metal fan calling hardcore gay." Which is totally true. Then I was reasonable and told the dude it was butt-obvious it was a mix up and we were just joking. And that the hardcore Bane was not gay. Wasn't that some juicy gossip?

Just then, something clicked and I realized that redneck Christians and close-minded metalheads are the same shit, different smell. Genius, huh?